小野 貴寛 | M, 2回目発表 | ネットワークシステム学 | 岡田 実, 林 優一, 東野 武史, Duong Quang Thang |
title: Positioning using parallel line feeder
abstract: In recent years, as a part of IoT technology, development of a system utilizing the position information of an object is proceeding. Therefore, we proposed a totally new position detection method that utilizes electromagnetic field coupling of an antenna called a parallel line feeder and a target tag. In this method, it is possible to detect the one-dimensional distance between the tag placed on the antenna and the end of the antenna by using the difference in the electromagnetic field intensity generated around the antenna. However, in this method, the tag needs to be accurately placed on the antenna for accurate positioning, and it is weak against two-dimensional or three-dimensional deviation of the tag and becomes a factor of positioning error. In this research, we investigate the error evaluation and improvement method for this deviation. language of the presentation: Japanese | |||
宮本 敬信 | M, 2回目発表 | ネットワークシステム学 | 岡田 実, 林 優一, 東野 武史, Duong Quang Thang |
title: Evaluation in Wireless Power Transmission System using Parallel Line Feeder
abstract: In recent years, as one of the attractive applications of wireless power transmission (WPT), there is a dynamic charging system which used for electric vehicles and automatic guided vehicles. The parallel line feeder system has been proposed to realize power transmission over a wide area in order to always supply power to the moving object. However, this system has problem about the efficiency, the lateral misalignment and the leakage magnetic field. In an attempt to deal with these problem, we proposed parallel multi lines system to increase efficiency. The next step, we considered to suppress the leakage magnetic field around the parallel line by the shield coil. In this presentation, we will describe simulation results. language of the presentation: Japanese | |||
吉川 裕耀 | M, 2回目発表 | ネットワークシステム学 | 岡田 実, 林 優一, 東野 武史, Duong Quang Thang |
title: Evaluation of Suppressing Intermodulation Distortion in Radio-over-Fiber
abstract: In the mobile communication network, in order to cope with an increase in traffic, a wider bandwidth such as new allocation in the 3.5 GHz band is being carried out. In current radio base stations, analog radio signals are digitized and transmitted over optical fiber. In this system, however, an optical transmission speed higher than the transmission speed in the radio section is required. Therefore, it is considered appropriate to utilize an optical fiber radio RoF (Radio over Fiber) which can reduce the bandwidth by transmitting a radio signal as it is as an analog signal. In this presentation, we describe the results of comparing the characteristics of the proposed method and the conventional method for suppressing intermodulation distortion that distorts the radio signal when transmitting OFDM signals using optical fiber radio, using computer simulation. language of the presentation: Japanese 発表題目: 光ファイバ無線伝送における相互変調歪の抑圧法の特性評価 発表概要: 移動通信ネットワークではトラフィックの増加に対応するため, 3.5GHz帯域の新規割当など広帯域化が行われている. 現在の無線基地局ではアナログな無線信号をデジタル化して光ファイバ伝送しているが, この方式では無線区間の伝送速度よりも高速な光伝送速度が必要である. そこで無線信号をアナログ信号のまま伝送することで帯域削減が可能な光ファイバ無線RoF(Radio over Fiber)の活用が適すると考えられる. 本発表では, 光ファイバ無線を用いてOFDM信号を伝送する際に無線信号に歪みを与える相互変調歪を簡易に抑圧する手法について, 計算機シミュレーションを用いて従来法との特性の比較を行った結果を述べる. | |||