
日時: 9月25日(火)5限(16:50~18:20)

会場: L2

司会: Juntao Gao
LIMPIANCHOB CHAIMONGKOL D, 中間発表 大規模システム管理 笠原 正治, 金谷 重彦, 笹部 昌弘
title: Mixed integer linear programming based approach for optimal planning of marine shrimp farming supply chain network
abstract: Marine shrimp farming is a century-old practice in many Asian countries. In Thailand, these farms are still traditional and need to be advanced techniques improving. We study the problem of a marine shrimp supply chain network which consists of suppliers, farms, distribution centers, traders, and consumers. We also develop operations research (OR) models with mixed-integer linear programming for finding optimal supply chain profit surplus and make cost-effective distribution and allocation decision while maintains the quality of the prawn under the constraints of supply resources capacities. The farmer can use the OR model as a tool for supply chain network strategies to analyze the effects of revenue and cost components on the model and to demonstrate the feasibility OR models can be applied in a real case problem for smart marine shrimp farming.
岡西 孝真 M, 2回目発表 計算システムズ生物学 金谷 重彦, 笠原 正治, 小野 直亮, 黄 銘, MD.ALTAF-UL-AMIN
title: Non-negative matrix factorization considering the structure of gene network
abstract: Cancer is currently the leading cause of death and cancer research is an important category in pathology studies. This disease is mainly caused by abnormal expression of genes, understanding the regulation of genes is the first step towards therapy. These consist of a huge number and it needs to be divided into smaller ones for understanding the regulation of genes. The major method uses only the information on the graph structure of the network, and other information is not taken into consideration. Therefore, we improve the Non-negative matrix factorization (NMF) which began to receive attention in recent cancer research and propose a method to consider more information. We confirmed that the improved NMF is more suitable for the division of the network of gene regulation than usual NMF.
language of the presentation:Japanese
田中 徹士 M, 2回目発表 計算システムズ生物学 金谷 重彦, 笠原 正治, 小野 直亮, 黄 銘, MD.ALTAF-UL-AMIN
title: Clustering Analysis of global soil microbe metagenome for characterizing community diversity
abstract: Soil metagenomics data has been accumulated and the differences in the microbial composition in samples within a small area are examined. In this study, we analyzed soil metagenomes sampled from a wide range in the globe and variety of land use, and we aim to find characteristics of microbiome corresponding to environmental features such as land use and geographic isolation. We use operational taxonomic units (OTUs) abundance data from Earth Microbiome Project. Clustering with sequence-based metrics yielded several clusters characteristic of the region and land use and we revealed some functional genus in each cluster.
language of the presentation: Japanese
原田 将光 M, 2回目発表 計算システムズ生物学 金谷 重彦, 笠原 正治, 小野 直亮, 黄 銘, MD.ALTAF-UL-AMIN
title: Multi-omics analysis of Angelica acutiloba attacked by Papilio Machaon Hippocrate
abstract: The root of Angelica acutiloba is one of the popular varieties used in the Kampo medicine or Traditional Chinese medicine. Those medicine including A. acutiloba's root is mainly prescribed for suppression of womens disease. Recently there is a report when Papilio machaon Hippocrate attacks A. acutiloba, the production of beta-caryophyllene increases to attract the bee which is natural enemy of herbivorous insects. Also varios compounds increase through insect damage. We examined metabolome and transcriptome to clarify molecular mechanism between A. acutiloba and herbivorous insects using 9 samples (3 condition, 3 replicate) of A. acutiloba exposed to Papilio machaon Hippocrates for 0 (control plants), 6 and 12h. The data from experiment showed us insight of molecular defense mechanisms through these data.
language of the presentation: Japanese