寺井 元基 | M, 2回目発表 | 情報基盤システム学 | 藤川 和利, 安本 慶一, 新井 イスマイル |
title: Proposal of accuracy improvement method of geomagnetic fingerprinting
abstract: In the indoor, satellite radio waves are interrupted and GPS positioning is difficult, especially in underground shopping malls and subway stations etc. It is currently impossible to locate and can not navigate. In this paper, we focus on a technique called fingerprinting, in which a smartphone user acquires location information indoors.Fingerprinting is a technique of creating a map for specific sensor data in advance, The method of estimating the current position information by comparing the measured value with the value of the sensor data map The positioning accuracy depends on the freshness and granularity of the map and the value of sensor data that can be observed at the same point is constant. Although it is a premise, its value changes with the passage of long-term time such as environmental change etc. There is also a possibility that short-term change may occur depending on sensor data. Focusing on geomagnetic fingerprinting in this paper, the value of geomagnetism depends on the structure of the building, and it is rare that it changes long term unless the structure changes, while on the other hand the large current flows, For this reason, in this paper, fixed point observation of geomagnetism is performed near the elevator, which is thought to be the environment where the geomagnetism is likely to change, in the vicinity of the printer, near the station railway track, and showed the result language of the presentation:Japanese | |||
中島 颯人 | M, 2回目発表 | 情報基盤システム学 | 藤川 和利, 安本 慶一, 新井 イスマイル |
title: Passenger number estimation by combining bus in-vehicle drive recorder and sensor data
abstract: In recent years, the route bus business has been in a tough situation due to intensified competition such as entry of new companies. Under such circumstances, the number of business operators who are reviewing the route plan utilizing data of passengers who can acquire with fine granularity is increasing. However, with conventional methods using infrared sensors, geodetic sensors, and measurement RGB cameras, it is difficult to introduce it by businesses with a large introduction cost and a difficult business situation. Also, it is not impossible to determine the number of passengers using the usage history of transportation-related IC cards, but in many cases there is no introduction of traffic-related IC cards due to cost problems. There is also a problem that it is not possible to count passengers who do not use transportation-related IC cards. In this research, we examined the method of estimating passenger number of passengers using equipments that are currently equipped as standard equipment and equipment that is relatively easy to introduce by subsidies of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport. I tried to realize it by counting from the video of the drive recorder. Demonstration experiments were carried out using drive recorder video data of route buses operating in Kobe city using these methods. As a result, the F value for a certain operation was able to show an accuracy of 0.65. We will also utilize sensor data on the bus for the purpose of further improving accuracy. language of the presentation: Japanese | |||
中村 優吾 | D, 中間発表 | ユビキタスコンピューティングシステム | 安本 慶一, 中島 康彦, 荒川 豊, 諏訪 博彦, 水本 旭洋 |
title: Study on In-situ Resource Provisioning with Adaptive Scale-out for Regional IoT Services
abstract: In an era where billions of IoT devices have been deployed, edge/fog computing paradigms are attracting attention for their ability to reduce processing delays and communication overhead. In order to improve Quality of Experience (QoE) of regional IoT services that create timely geo-spatial information in response to users' queries, it is important to efficiently allocate sufficient resources based on the computational demand of each service. However since edge/fog devices are assumed to be heterogeneous (in terms of their computational power, network performance to other devices, deployment density, etc.), provisioning computational resources according to computational demand becomes a challenging constrained optimization problem. In this work, we formulate a delay constrained regional IoT service provisioning (dcRISP) problem. dcRISP assigns computational resources of devices based on the demand of the regional IoT services in order to maximize users' QoE. We also present dcRISP+, an extension of dcRISP, that enables resource selection to extend beyond the initial area in order to satisfy increasing computational demands. We propose a provisioning algorithm, in-situ resource area selection with adaptive scale out and in-situ task scheduling based on a tabu search, to solve the dcRISP+ problem. We conducted a simulation study of a tourist area in Kyoto where 4,000 IoT devices and 3 types of IoT services were deployed. Results show that our proposed algorithms can obtain higher user QoE compared to conventional resource provisioning algorithms. language of the presentation: Japanese | |||
郡 義弘 | M, 2回目発表 | 情報セキュリティ工学 | 林 優一, 中島 康彦, 藤川 和利, 藤本 大介 |
title: Study on implementation of public cryptography on FPGA using Keyed RNS Montgomery reduction algorithm
abstract: In order to improve computation speed of public cryptography, Montgomery Reduction(MR) and Residue Number System are often used as RNS MR. MR is modular operation without division. RNS is integer representation using several pairwise coprime integer which is smaller than original integer. As an improvement of this method, Keyed RNS MR algorithm that optimizes among multiple MR has been proposed. The theoretical improvement of the number of steps has been reported. However, it is not clear that performance evaluation on actual circuit which has trade-off between the number and size of basis. In this research, we aim to investigate the bases suitable for implementation by implementing FPGA implementation of Keyed RNSMR algorithm, to implement public key cryptosystem using Keyed RNSMR algorithm and circuit performance evaluation using selected bases. language of the presentation: Japanese | |||