髙谷 剛志 | D, 中間発表 | 光メディアインタフェース | 向川 康博, 加藤 博一, 舩冨 卓哉, 田中 賢一郎, 久保 尋之 |
title: Controlling Translucency by UV Printing on a Translucent Object
abstract: UV printer, a digital fabrication tool, can print 2D patterns on 3D objects consisting of various materials by using UV inks which immediately dry through being exposed to ultraviolet light. In general use, the translucency of the materials is removed by printing a matte white layer. On the other hand, we propose a method to control the translucency of a printed object by rather utilizing both of the translucency of the materials and inks without printing the white layer. A key is to fuse two different manners; example-based and physics-based. We apply Kubelka's layer model with few measurements to render the translucency and then build a lookup table between a combination of factors in print and the fabricated translucency. The lookup table is used for finding the best combination to represent an input query about translucency. The rendering method is quantitatively evaluated and in experiments, we show the proposed system can control the translucency through replicating appearance. language of the presentation: Japanese | |||
秋山 諒 | D, 中間発表 | インタラクティブメディア設計学 | 加藤 博一, 向川 康博, Christian Sandor, 山本 豪志朗(客員), 武富 貴史 |
title: Light Projection-Induced Illusion for Controlling Object Color
abstract: A projector can control appearance of real objects by light projection. It is desired to use this kind of system in a light room. However, controllable color range of a projector is limited. A projector control object color by adding illumination to an object surface. Reflected light is affected by surface color and environemntal light. Our aim is expanding color gamut of a projector by controlling color based on human perceived color. Human brain processes colors relative to their environment. As a result, they can be perceived differently from their physical components. For example, although a tree leaf reflects both green and orange light rays during dusk, we still perceive its color as green. We employ this visual illusion, color constancy, for expanding presentable color range of a projector. The method to determine projection color and projected results will be shown in this presentation. language of the presentation: English | |||
中村 拓 | D, 中間発表 | インタラクティブメディア設計学 | 加藤 博一, 向川 康博, Christian Sandor, 武富 貴史 |
title: Augmented Reality Navigation in Ports
abstract: The largest number of serious accidents occurs within ports, especially collision accidents with a port facility. The cause of the accident is mostly human errors such as incorrect judgment of the ship maneuvering. Therefore, in order to prevent accidents, AR that intuitively presents navigation information in addition to visual inspection is considered to be beneficial. The requirements for realizing maneuvering support using AR are as follows. 1) Acquire the three-dimensional structure of the surrounding port environment based on the actual scale. 2) Estimate the ship pose with high accuracy. 3) Present intuitive information. In this presentation, in order to solve 1) and 2), we propose an integrated method of VSLAM / GNSS / INS which realizes accurate estimation of the scale and the ship pose using the GNSS carrier phase information in inexpensive device configuration of monocular camera, multiple GNSSs and 6 DOF MEMS IMU. Finally, an example of intuitive presentation method of maneuvering support information is shown. AR: Augmented Reality, VSLAM: Visual Simultaneous Localization And Mapping, GNSS: Global Navigation Satellite System, INS: Inertial Navigation System, DOF: Degree Of Freedom, MEMS: Micro Electro Mechanical Systems, IMU: Inertial Measurement Unit language of the presentation: Japanese | |||