日時: |
平成31年1月24日(木)3限 (13:30 -- 14:20), 2019/01/24, Thursday |
場所(Location): |
L1 |
司会(Chair): |
畑秀明(Hideaki Hata) |
講演者(Presenter): |
丁明(Ming Ding), ロボティクス研究室(Robotics Lab.) |
題目(Title): |
Estimation of Whole Body Motion with Few Sensors in Deep Learning |
概要(Abstract): |
Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) is one of the top-ranked universityies in the world.
The School of Computer Science (SCS) in CMU is ranked No. 3.
The Robotics Institute (RI) of SCS has a long-term collaboratiion with NAIST.
Last year, I visited Graphics Lab of RI for one year.
In this talk, I will introduce CMU that I visited last year and the my new research topic about the estimation of human motion in Deep Learning.