ゼミナールI講演 |
日時(Date): | 平成29年5月31日(水)3限 (13:30 -- 15:00) Wed., May 31st, 2017 (3rd Period, 13:30 -- 15:00) |
場所(Location): | L1 |
司会(Chair): | 爲井 先生 |
講演者(Presenter): | 柴田 和久(Kazuhisa Shibata) 名古屋大学情報学研究科 |
題目(Title): | Perceptual and cognitive changes induced by decoded neurofeedback |
概要(Abstract): | This lecture will focus on recent development of decoded neurofeedback (DecNef) by our group and its research outcomes such as perceptual learning, associative learning, fear memory reduction, and preference changes. DecNef, which was innovated by a sophisticated combination of methods in neuroscience and information , enables researchers to clarify relationships between brain activation patterns and certain behavioral functions. The series of researches cannot be achieved without my knowledge and competence in both neuroscience and information science that were cultivated through the high-standard academic education at NAIST. 本講演では、最近われわれの研究グループが開発した神経科学における新しい手法、デコーディッドニューロフィードバック(Decoded Neurofeedback, DecNef)と、DecNefによる4つの研究成果(知覚学習、連合学習、恐怖記憶、顔の選好)を紹介します。DecNefは、特定の脳部位と脳機能の関係を調べるための方法であり、神経科学と情報科学における最先端手法の融合により生み出されました。一連の研究の遂行には、NAISTにおいて神経科学と情報科学について高度な教育が不可欠だったといっても過言ではありません。 参考文献: - Perceptual learning incepted by decoded fMRI neurofeedback without stimulus presentation, Kazuhisa Shibata, Takeo Watanabe, Yuka Sasaki, and Mitsuo Kawato, Science, 2011, 334(6061):1413-1415. - Learning to associate orientation with color in early visual areas by associative decoded fMRI neurofeedback, Kaoru Amano, Kazuhisa Shibata, Mitsuo Kawato, Yuka Sasaki, Takeo Watanabe, Current Biology, 2016, 26(14):1861-1866. - Fear reduction without fear: direct reinforcement of neural activity bypasses the need for conscious exposure, Ai Koizumi, Kaoru Amano, Aurelio Cortese, Kazuhisa Shibata, Wako Yoshida, Ben Seymour, Mitsuo Kawato, Hakwan Lau, Nature Human Behavior, 2016. - Differential activation patterns in the same brain region led to opposite emotional states, Kazuhisa Shibata, Takeo Watanabe, Mitsuo Kawato, Yuka Sasaki, PLoS Biology, 2016, 14(9): e1002546. |
講演言語(Language): | English |
講演者略歴(Biography): |