Á°ÅÄ¡¡ÍºÂç | 1651096: M, 2²óÌÜȯɽ | ·×»»¥·¥¹¥Æ¥à¥ºÀ¸Êª³Ø ¶âë ½Åɧ, °ÂËÜ ·Ä°ì, MD.ALTAF-UL-AMIN, ¾®Ìî ľμ |
title: Creation of lung adenocalcinoma clustering model using ome data
abstract: Adenocarcinoma of the lung is a leading cause of cancer death worldwide. TCGA(The Cancer Genome Atlas) provides molecular profiling data of 230 patients of lung adenocarcinoma regarding messenger RNA, microRNA and DNA sequencing integrated with copy number, methylation and proteomic analyses. 230 patients belong to 3 types of lung cancer as follows: TRU(Terminal Respiratory Unit), PI(Proximal ¥ß Inflammatory) and PP(proximal ¥ß Proliferative). The purpose of this research is to create a clustering model of cancer types by statistically analyzing these data and to use it for molecular target based treatment. Furthermore, by combining our results with that of a previous study on image based clustering model, we want to further improve the accuracy of classification and clarify the mechanism of lung cancer. language of the presentation:Japanese | ||
ÇòÀС¡Ëáµ®ÃË | 1561012: D, Ãæ´Öȯɽ | ·×»»¥·¥¹¥Æ¥à¥ºÀ¸Êª³Ø ¶âë ½Åɧ, °ÂËÜ ·Ä°ì, MD.ALTAF-UL-AMIN, ¾®Ìî ľμ |
¹á»³¡¡ÐÒÄÐ | 1651034: M, 2²óÌÜȯɽ | Â絬ÌÏ¥·¥¹¥Æ¥à´ÉÍý ³Þ¸¶ Àµ¼£, Æ£Àî ÏÂÍø, ºûÉô ¾»¹° |
title: Robustness Evaluation of Tit-for-Tat-based P2P File Distribution against Sudden Peer Departure
abstract: Tit-for-Tat (TFT) strategy to encourage disseminating is efficient for suppressing of free rider problem. However, the nature of TFT-based P2P file distribution has not been fully analyzed. In this paper, we analyze the impact of peer departure on robustness of TFT-based P2P file distribution. Specifically, we focus on situation of before and after peer departure and model these file distribution as the determination of optimal piece flow. Since this problem can be modeled as an integer linear programming, an optimal solution can be solved by an existing linear solver. Numerical evaluation shows that the higher the rarity of the piece held by the departed peer, the more degradation is the average file retrieving time of the remaining peers. Furthermore, we analyze difference in impact of cause of peer departure, for example, breakdown of equipment and users' dissatisfaction with service quality on systems' performance. language of the presentation: Japanese | ||
Í¿ÆáÎæ¡¡½Ó | 1651125: M, 2²óÌÜȯɽ | ¥µ¥¤¥Ð¡¼¥ì¥¸¥ê¥¨¥ó¥¹¹½À®³Ø ÌçÎÓ Íº´ð, Æ£Àî ÏÂÍø, ÎÓ Í¥°ì |
Characterization of malware using Dynamic Binary Instrumentation
abstract: To analyze cyber threats efficiently, a foundation of sharing the structured information is required. MAEC is a structured language for describing attribute-based malware characterization. Dynamic analysis tools such as system monitoring tools generally provide information of observing system events. To detect high-level mechanism, e.g., exfiltration and persistence, analysts however need many complicated tasks to estimate malicious behaviors possibly executed from captured system events. Dynamic Binary Instrumentation (DBI) which is a technique for analyzing execution flows enables automated analysis based on relationships between process and data by examining instrument code. This study proposes a new method for detecting high-level mechanism by using DBI. language of the presentation: Japanese | ||