北川 智也 | 1651040: M, 2回目発表 | 情報基盤システム学 藤川 和利, 林 優一, 新井 イスマイル |
title: Security analysis of wireless attack to modern in-vehicle networks through aftermarket dongles
Modern vehicles are controlled by a number of Electronic Control Units (ECUs) which communicates over a bus network. One of the most-used bus types is called Controller Area Network (CAN). Researchers have reported that they were able to remotely control a vehicle by sending messages into the CAN bus. Meanwhile, aftermarket dongles that can attach to On-board diagnostics (OBD-II) port are available in the market. In this study, we evaluate the risks of wireless attacks to vehicles such dongle is used, and describe the measures against the attacks. language of the presentation: Japanese | ||
新垣 杏里 | 1551004: M, 2回目発表 | 情報基盤システム学 藤川 和利, 安本 慶一, 笠原 正治, 新井 イスマイル, 猪俣 敦夫 |
title: CAPTCHA Cases and Problems abstract: In recent years, CAPTCHA has been used as a technology to prevent machine attacks against web services. CAPTCHAs based on text are widely used, but with the development of Optical Character Recognition, these became possible to analyze by bot programs.Therefore, new methods CAPTCHA have been studied.In this research, we introduce the requirements, types and cases of CAPTCHA. language of the presentation: Japanese | ||
米澤 拓也 | 1651127: M, 2回目発表 | 情報基盤システム学 藤川 和利, 安本 慶一, 新井 イスマイル |
title: Evaluation of an operation state classification model using sensor data obtained from buses
abstract: In the passenger transportation industry, cooperation between the driver and the operation manager is very important from the viewpoint of improving the operation e ciency. Digital tachographs are widely used by operation managers in business o ces to grasp the operation status and delay information of vehicles. However, in the existing method using the digital tachograph, there are several problems such as burden on the driver such as manually inputting state of his/her driving car and lack of real time property. In order to solve this problem, we construct a sensor data acquisition environment and analyze sensor data obtained from a vehicle owned by a bus company. In this presentation we report the classification method of operation status. language of the presentation: Japanese | ||
松田 裕貴 | 1661016: D, 中間発表 | ユビキタスコンピューティングシステム 安本 慶一, 藤川 和利, 荒川 豊 |
ParmoSense - Research on Sustainable Urban Environmental Data Gathering utilizing Participatory Sensing System
abstract: With the spread of electronic devices such as smartphones, the number of users using digital maps and navigation has increased explosively. Most of the conventional navigation give route guidance that emphasizes mobility efficiency, but along with diversification of users, the future navigation requires route guidance with various urban information taken into consideration. Therefore, in this research, we focus on "participatory sensing" as a method to efficiently and comprehensively collect urban environmental data. In this presentation, we will organize the challenges for sustainably operating participatory sensing system in real-world and especially report on the investigation on "Motivation for getting the cooperation of participants" among them. language of the presentation: Japanese タイトル: ユーザ参加型センシングシステムによるサステナブルな都市環境情報収集に関する研究 概要: スマートフォンなどの電子デバイスの普及に伴い、デジタル地図・ナビゲーションを利用するユーザは爆発的に増加している。従来のナビゲーションでは、移動効率を重視した経路案内を行うものが主流であるが、ユーザの多様化に伴いナビゲーションも様々な情報を加味した経路案内が求められる。そこで、本研究では効率よくかつ網羅的に都市環境データを収集する手法として「ユーザ参加型センシング」に着目している。本発表では、ユーザ参加型センシングを実環境で持続可能的に運用するための課題について整理するとともに、その中でも特に「参加者の協力を得るための動機づけ」に関する調査について報告する。 | ||
LIU JUN | 1661028: D, 中間発表 | 自然言語処理学 松本 裕治, 松本 健一, 新保 仁, 進藤 裕之, 能地 宏 |
title: Sentence Complexity Estimation for Chinese-speaking Learners of Japanese
abstract: It is fairly challenging for a foreign language learner to read and understand Japanese texts containing words of high difficulty level or low frequency and complicated linguistic structures. Because a large number of Chinese characters (kanji in Japanese) are commonly used both in Chinese and Japanese, the more confusing problem for Japanese language learners from kanji background countries is the acquisition of various complex Japanese functional expressions. In this study, we propose a method utilizing Japanese kanji characters, particularly Japanese-cihinese homographs with identical or similar meanings, as a critical feature of sentence-complexity estimation for Chinese-speaking learners of Japanese language. Experimental results have partially demonstrated the effectiveness of our method in enhancing the accuracy of sentence-complexity estimation. language of the presentation: English | ||