
日時(Date): 平成28年10月17日(月)3限 (13:30 -- 15:00)
Mon., Oct. 17th, 2016 (3rd Period, 13:30 -- 15:00)
場所(Location): L1
司会(Chair): Doudou Fall

講演者(Presenter): Djiby Sow (University Cheikh Anta Diop of Dakar)
題目(Title): A new IND-CCA2 NTRU-like Cryptosystem for post-quantum cryptography with security proof in the standard model
概要(Abstract): In this talk, a new IND-CCA2 NTRU-like Cryptosystem is presented. First, we introduce a new hard problem, namely the Decisional Ring Bounded Distance Decoding problem (DR-BDD), and after we propose an NTRU-like encryption scheme over Ideal-lattices (with non-sparse polynomials) which is IND-CPA secure in the standard model relatively to DR-BDD. This last scheme is the same as in NTRU Prime, which is known to block the classical attacks that exploit special structures of the classical rings used in R-LWE based cryptosystems, namely rings of cyclotomic number fields.
講演言語(Language): English
講演者略歴(Biography): Djiby SOW is a full professor in the department of Mathematics and Informatics of the University Cheikh Anta Diop of Dakar. He is one of the co-founder of the first educational program oriented towards cryptography and cybersecurity in West Africa. In addition to his duties as a Professor, he is the responsible of the Master in Data Transmission and Information Security. He is also the president of the Senegalese Association for Information Security where he is leading the effort to develop a national cybersecurity strategy by advising the respective state authorities among other activities. His research interest revolve around all the facets of cryptography.

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