南 智孝 | 1551105: M, 2回目発表 | ソフトウェア工学 | 松本 健一,安本 慶一,伊原 彰紀 |
Title : An approach to identify defect-detectable tests in OSS projects Abstract : Many software companies often use Open Source Software (OSS) to develop a software product. They test the software product before releasing. They may not test much for a module that was built using OSS, because OSS is highly reliable and difficult for them to test. My study is to understand how well OSS projects test the product. To achieve my study goal, I propose an approach to measure how many defect-detectable tests the project make. Language of the presentation : Japanese | |||
JIARPAKDEE JIRAYUS | 1551124: M, 2回目発表 | ソフトウェア工学 | 松本 健一,安本 慶一,荒牧 英治,伊原 彰紀 |
Title: Understanding Question Quality through Affective Aspect in Q&A Site Abstract: Ever since the Internet has become widely available, question and answer sites have been used as a knowledge sharing service. Users ask the community about how to solve problems, hoping that there will be someone to provide a solution. However, not every question is answered. Eric Raymond claimed that how an user asks a question is important. Existing studies have presented ways to study the question quality by textual, community-based or affective features. In this paper, we investigated how affective features are related to the question quality, and we found that using affective features improves the prediction of question quality. Moreover, Favorite Vote Count feature has the highest influence on our prediction models. English | |||
前田 直樹 | 1551099: M, 2回目発表 | ユビキタスコンピューティングシステム | 安本 慶一,松本 健一,荒川 豊,諏訪 博彦,藤本 まなと |
title : Unconscious Stress Monitoring System for Office Worker abstract : To increase the productivity of people's work, one of the most important challenges is to proactively keep and improve their mental health in the office while continuously obtaining their physiological information. In this presentation, aiming to allow an office-worker to recognize his/her mental health and do self-care easily for prevention and reduction of his/her stress, as a pilot study, I propose Unconscious Stress Monitoring System for Office Worker. I conducted experiment to confirm the change of office worker due to the stress. The results showed that stress increaced blood pressure of office worker. language of the presentation : Japanese 発表題目 : オフィスワーカのための自然なストレスモニタリングシステム 発表概要 : 人々の生産性を向上させるために、最も重要な課題の一つは、オフィスで人々の生体情報を継続的に得ながら人々のメンタルヘルスの向上と維持することです。 本発表では、オフィスワーカが彼らの精神的健康を認識し、彼らのストレスの予防と軽減のためのセルフケアを容易に行うことを目指す予備研究として自然なストレスモニタリングシステムを提案する。 私は、ストレスによるオフィスワーカの変化を確認するための実験を行った。結果は、ストレスはオフィスワーカの血圧を上昇させることを示した。 | |||
LIU KANG | 1561027: D, 中間発表 | 計算システムズ生物学 | 金谷 重彦,笠原 正治,MD.ALTAF-UL-AMIN,小野 直亮 |
title: Classification of Plants based on Metabolite Content Similarity abstract: Metabolite content refers to all small molecules which are the products or intermediates of metabolism within an organism. Here, we utilize two methods to classify plants based on the structural similarity of their metabolite contents collected from the KNApSAcK Core Database. One method is classification of plants based on overall metabolite content similarity. We use background population of tanimoto coefficients to compare metabolite content similarity of two plants. Another method is classification of plants based on structural similarity network of metabolites and DPClus algorithm. We use DPClus algorithm to classify metabolites into many metabolite groups, and utilize these metablolite groups to classify plants. The results prove that metabolite content similarity of plants can be regarded as a taxonomy marker which takes into account both general phylogenetic relations and relation between plants based on bioactivity and economic uses. Based on the proposed classifications, we described a method for predicting the unrecorded metabolites by the structurally similar metabolite groups and the phylogenetic relation of plants. Moreover, we studied the relation between metabolite contents of plants and the economic usages of them.
language of the presentation: English | |||
森田 侑介 | 1551108: M, 2回目発表 | 計算システムズ生物学 | 金谷 重彦,笠原 正治,MD.ALTAF-UL-AMIN,小野 直亮 |
title: Presumption of ovipositional stimulants and deterrents of umbelliferous medical plants for Papilio machaon abstract: Many insects feed only on specific plants. This feature is called host plant specificity. The host plants of P. machaon (common yellow swallowtail) are Umbelliferae plants. In this research, we observed six umbelliferous medical plants we cultivated. P. machaon laid eggs on some of them but not all. We gathered volatile compounds emitted from leaves of each plant and measured them with Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometry. Then we applied statistical analysis to the data and tried to investigate probable ovipositional stimulants and deterrents. language of the presentation: Japanese | |||
若松 信孝 | 1551120: M, 2回目発表 | 計算システムズ生物学 | 金谷 重彦,笠原 正治,MD.ALTAF-UL-AMIN,小野 直亮 |
title: An Approach to Function Prediction of Secondary Metabolites by Clustering the 3D-Chemical Structural Similarity Based Network
abstract: Secondary metabolites are used by humans as flavors, fragrances, medicines, biomarkers, fertilizers and for other purposes. They play important roles in ecological relationships between species. The broad functional spectrum of secondary metabolites is still not fully understood. A number of studies have investigated the relations between structures and functions of metabolites. It has been revealed that structural similarity between metabolites implies high possibility of functional similarity between them. In light of this fact we propose a method for function prediction of secondary metabolites based on guilt by association philosophy. First we determine the structural similarity scores of all possible metabolite pairs using COMPLIG algorithm and then select the metabolite pairs for which the similarity score is more than or equal to the threshold value of 0.95. To increase the possibility of clusters rich with known metabolites we then again select structurally similar metabolite pairs for which functions of both metabolites or at least one metabolite is known. The network of such metabolite pairs is then clustered using the DPClusO algorithm. Statistically significant cluster-function pairs are then selected using the concept of hypergeometric p-value and False Discovery Rate (FDR). Functions are then predicted for function unknown metabolites based on statistically significant cluster-function pairs. language of the presentation: Japanese | |||
櫻井 俊 | 1551046: M, 2回目発表 | 光メディアインタフェース | 向川 康博,萩田 紀博,舩冨 卓哉,久保 尋之 |
Title: Sugar Content Visualization using Essential Band-pass Filters
abstract: not open to the public for collaborative research. language of the presentation:Japanese | |||