RIAN FERDIAN | 1461214: D, 中間発表 | ネットワークシステム学 岡田 実, 中島 康彦, 東野 武史, 侯 亜飛 |
Title: Realization of Compressed Sensing Based Channel Estimation for OFDM System Abstract: Compressed sensing (CS) is one of the hottest research topics in the sparse signal reconstruction problem. But CS implementation has a drawback of high computational complexity due to calculation between large size of matrices. We will propose a low-complexity CS hardware realization for channel estimation in orthogonal frequency division and multiplexing (OFDM) system using several optimization methods to reduce the implementation complexity of CS usage. Since the measurement matrix of CS computation is a truncated discrete Fourier transform (DFT) matrix, We can exploit the symmetrical property of this DFT matrix to significantly reduce its multiplication complexity and random access memory (RAM) usage. To achieve fast reconstruction period, we also provides a hardware architecture for the proposed method and its realization in field programmable gate array (FPGA). The simulation results show that the proposed methods can achieve lower complexity CS based channel estimation with almost the identical system performance with the conventional method. Moreover, the realized hardware can achieve the fastest execution time compare to that of other existing methods. Language of the presentation: English | ||
柏本 幸俊 | 1461001: D, 中間発表 | ユビキタスコンピューティングシステム 安本 慶一, 岡田 実, 荒川 豊, 諏訪 博彦, 藤本 まなと |
Title: Development of the room measurement tool and piezo sensor based indoor positioning system toward the realization of Indoor GIS
Abstract: Thanks to the astonishing progress of the ubiquitous computing technology, the Indoor Geological Information Service (Indoor GIS) applications attracts the attention. In order to accelerate the application propagation, the development of the room measurement tool and indoor localization system are the key researches. In order to accomplish the objective, First, I present a research in order to realize an easy-to-use room measurement tool with a smartphone and ultrasonic sensor gadget. In this research, I present a room measurement tool which utilizes a smartphone attached with an ultrasonic sensor gadget. By utilizing this tool, an ordinary user can measure the size and shape of a room and create a floor plan with small effort. In the measurement, the user completes a lap along the walls of all rooms. Then, the tool estimates the accurate shape and size of the room. It leverages the inertial sensors, embedded in the smartphone, to track the user in the walking path. Moreover, the ultrasonic sensor in the gadget measures the distance betIen the path and walls. There are three main challenges to achieve optimized performance. The first challenge is the development of the stride length estimation technique for indoor environment. To realize this technique, I measure the stride length of the user by utilizing an ultrasonic sensor and accelerometer. The second challenge is that adjacent objects, such as bookshelves, to affect the accuracy in spatial layout estimation. To cope with this problem, I use a mixed Gaussian filter. The last challenge is that the narrow room, such as corridors, leads to the low accuracy. To alleviate this challenge, I implement two ultrasonic sensors in the reverse direction, and measure the distance betIen walls directly. The results from experimentations show the improvement in shape and size estimation accuracy. Second, I present a research in order to realize an indoor localization system with a piezo electric component attached on the floor. In this research, I present a piezo sensor-based indoor positioning system which estimates the position of the user by utilizing a piezo component attached on the floor. To realize the proposed positioning system, I have tackled two challenges. First challenge is the development of an indoor positioning technique. I cannot utilize TDoA technique that is used to estimate the distance from the target, since the calculation of vibration velocity is difficult. To cope with this challenge, I have developed a new technique which estimates the position of the user from floor vibrations caused by their actions. Second challenge is the selection of the feature vector to estimate the vibration type accurately. I have selected MFCC features from preliminary experiments. I have implemented the proposed system in our smart home testbed. I have evaluated the performance of the vibration type estimation technique. As a result, I have confirmed that our technique estimates the type with F-measure: 89.0%. Language of the presentation: Japanese ( The material and Q&A are privided in English. ) | ||
AZIAN AZAMIMI BINTI ABDULLAH | 1461205: D, 中間発表 | 計算システムズ生物学 金谷 重彦, 安本 慶一, MD.ALTAF-UL-AMIN, 杉浦 忠男, 小野 直亮, 佐藤 哲大 |
Title: Development and Mining of a Volatile Organic Compound Database Abstract: Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are small molecules that exhibit high vapor pressure under ambient conditions and have low boiling points. VOCs are produced naturally by living organisms and have important roles in chemical ecology and human health. Information on VOCs is scattered in the literature until now, however, there is still no available database describing VOCs and their biological activities. In this study, I developed a novel VOC database of microorganisms, fungi, and plants as well as human beings, which comprises the relation between emitting species, the volatiles, and their biological activities. I deposited the VOC data into KNApSAcK Metabolite Ecology Database. This database can be accessed online. Apart from the database development, I also analyzed the VOC data using hierarchical clustering and network clustering based on DPClus for the classification of VOC emitting species. In addition, I also compared several clustering methods based on Tanimoto coefficient as the similarity index of the chemical structure to cluster all VOCs emitted by various biological species to understand the relationships between chemical structures of VOCs and their biological activities. My research finding indicates that similar chemical structures of VOCs indicate possibilities of exhibiting similar biological activities. In future work, I will apply supervised machine learning methods such as deep neural network (DNN) and support vector machine (SVM) to develop classification models for predicting the biological activities of VOCs based on their structures. Language of the presentation: English | ||
KOGANTI NISHANTH | 1461210: D, 中間発表 | 数理情報学 池田 和司, 小笠原 司, 爲井 智也 |
Title: Bayesian Latent Manifold Learning for Robotic Clothing Assistance
Abstract: Robotic clothing assistance is a challenging problem involving close interaction of the robot with non-rigid clothing articles and with the assisted person whose posture can vary during assistance. Design of an efficient clothing assistance framework involves reliable cloth state estimation and data-efficient motor skills learning. In this talk, we present the application of Bayesian nonparametric latent manifold learning to two problems of robotic clothing assistance. In the first case, we address the problem of reliable cloth state estimation. We propose the use of Manifold Relevance Determination (MRD) to learn a shared latent manifold for observations from a noisy depth sensor and accurate motion capture system. This latent manifold is reliably used to infer the accurate cloth state given only the noisy depth sensor readings in a real-world setting. In the second case, we address the problem of efficient motor skills learning for clothing assistance. We propose the use of Bayesian Gaussian Process Latent Variable Model (BGPLVM) to learn a low dimensional latent manifold, encoding the motor skills for clothing assistance performed by a dual-arm 7 DOF robot. This latent manifold is shown to generate high dimensional clothing trajectories that not only follow task space constraints such as the coupling with clothes but also generalize to unseen environmental settings. Language of the presentation: English | ||
GO CLARK KENDRICK CHENG | 1451204: M, 2回目発表 | 数理情報学 池田 和司, 笠原 正治, 爲井 智也 |
Title: A Reinforcement Learning Model of the Shepherding Task Abstract: Herding behavior is the collective unwilling behavior of a group being led by individuals to move in a single direction to a specified target. In this work, we will focus on a specific kind of herding behavior found in a flock of sheep being led by a dog, which we will call as the shepherding task. A heuristic model of the shepherding task was developed by Strombom, et al, where interaction rules between the dog and sheep, and among individual sheep are identified. Although the model explains the behaviors of the dog and sheep, how they learn the behaviors is not clear. Thus, we propose to create a reinforcement learning model of the shepherding task based on the existing heuristic model by Strombom, et al. This study reconstructs the shepherding task using SARSA, an algorithm for learning the optimal policy in reinforcement learning. Results show that with a discretized state and action space, the dog is able to successfully herd a flock of a sheep to the target position by first learning to reach a subgoal. A reward is given when the dog reaches the neighbourhood of a subgoal, while a penalty is incurred for each time the shepherding task is not completed. Finally, we present an example of a completed shepherding task which shows the agent's continuous success after the 350th episode. Language of presentation: English
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MUHAIMIN HADING | 1551204: M, 1回目発表 | 自然言語処理学 松本 裕治 |
Title: Japanese Lexical Simplification
abstract: Lexical Simplification is the process of changing difficult words in a sentence to easier ones of the same meaning without modifying the meaning of the original sentence. We apply Lexical Simplification on Japanese text to help second language learners understand the original Japanese text. Unlike for English, for Japanese, there is no parallel corpus of easy and difficult texts publicly available. However, there are some free Japanese texts, such as BCCWJ, Mainichi Newspaper, vocabulary lists for JLPT and essays written by children. We propose a method to find pairs of easy and difficult words using this publicly available data. Our method is to firstly calculate word similarity using word embeddings. Then, we measure the difficulty level of similar words using frequency, technical word classification, JLPT vocabulary lists, and vocabularies from children's corpora. Language of the presentation: English | ||
岡澤 孝仁 | 1151028: M, 1回目発表 | ロボティクス 小笠原 司 |