
日時: 1月23日(月)3限(13:30-15:00)

会場: L1

司会: 川原 純
井上 健吾 1651014: M, 1回目発表 知能システム制御 杉本 謙二
title: Cooperative control of distributed generation systems abstract: This study focuses on distributed generation systems composed of multiple distributed generators such as gas-turbines and solar power generators. One of the important topics in such systems is to determine operation modes of generators, which achieve to balance the power demand with supply. The previous work proposed an operation mode control method of solar power generators. In this study, a control method of both solar power generators and gs-turbines is proposed as an extension of the previous result. language of the presentation: Japanese
藤井 博晃 1551089: M, 1回目発表 数理情報学 池田 和司
岡澤 孝仁 1151028: M, 1回目発表 ロボティクス 小笠原 司
中川 豊 1351075: M, 1回目発表 情報基盤システム学 藤川 和利