ŽáŽèŒ¤‹†ŽÒŠCŠO”hŒ“ª”]zŠÂƒvƒƒOƒ‰ƒ€E•ñu‰‰(Report Meeting of Brain Circulation Program) |
“úŽžF | •½¬28”N2ŒŽ10“ú(ŒŽ)3ŒÀ (13:30 -- 15:30), 2016/02/10, Wednesday |
êŠ(Location)F | L1 |
Ži‰ï(Chair)F | ‚¼ ~(Jun Takamatsu) |
u‰‰ŽÒ(Presenter)F | ••x ‹MŽj(Takafumi TAKAFUMI), ƒCƒ“ƒ^ƒ‰ƒNƒeƒBƒuƒƒfƒBƒAÝŒvŠwŒ¤‹†Žº |
‘è–Ú(Title)F | Activity report at University of Oulu, Finland: Camera pose estimation under dynamic focal length change |
ŠT—v(Abstract)F | Augmented reality is a technology which can overlay virtual contents onto the real world. This technology can be used for real world human-computer interaction. To make augmented reality environments, a visual-SLAM (Simultaneous Localization and Mapping) technology is important because this technology doesnft need any preparation for a target environment. However, previous technologies assume fixed focal length setting during the estimation process. In order to remove this limitation, we propose a method for handling focal length changes in the SLAM algorithm. |
u‰‰ŽÒ(Presenter)F | ‚“¹ T”V‰î(Shinnosuke TAKAMICHI), ’m”\ƒRƒ~ƒ…ƒjƒP[ƒVƒ‡ƒ“Œ¤‹†Žº |
‘è–Ú(Title)F | Activity report in Carnegie Mellon University |
ŠT—v(Abstract)F | I report my activity in Carnegie Mellon University. I have worked on high-quality speech synthesis for improving Quality-of-Life (QoL). My talk presents my attempt to speech synthesis and my daily life. |
u‰‰ŽÒ(Presenter)F | ŽRŒû –¾•F (Akihiko Yamaguchi), Carnegie Mellon University, Robotics Institute |
‘è–Ú(Title)F | Pouring Skills With Planning And Learning Modeled From Human Demonstrations |
ŠT—v(Abstract)F | During the research in Carnegie Mellon University, I explored how to represent, plan, and learn robot pouring. This was a case study of a complex task that has many variations, and involves manipulating non-rigid materials such as liquids and granular particles. Variations of pouring we consider are the type of pouring, material, container shapes, initial poses of containers, and target amounts. The robot learns to select appropriate behaviors from a library of skills, such as tipping, shaking, and tapping to pour a range of materials from a variety of containers. The robot also learns to select behavioral parameters. Planning methods are used to adapt skills for some variations such as initial poses of containers. This presentation will show simulation and experiments on a PR2 robot. This case study is a step towards enabling humanoid robots to perform tasks of daily living. |
u‰‰ŽÒ(Presenter)F | Îˆä «‘å(Masahiro ISHII), î•ñŠî”ÕƒVƒXƒeƒ€ŠwŒ¤‹†Žº |
‘è–Ú(Title)F | Modular arithmetic on the Kalray MPPA-256 processor for a fast and energy-efficient implementation of ECM |
ŠT—v(Abstract)F | The Elliptic Curve Method (ECM) is one of the integer factorization algorithm. Now the number field sieve (NFS) the most effective algorithm to find a large integer. ECM is not enough to use for factorizing a large integer such an RSA modulus e.g. 768-bit integers. It is however important to exploit the more effective algorithm and enhance its performance since the ECM is used by NFS as a its subroutine. I joined the CARAMEL project team working on integer factorization and discrete logarithm in finite fields, algebraic curves for cryptography, and so on. We implemented the ECM on twisted Edwards curves on the Kalray MPPA-256 board which is a light-weight many-core processor with low power high performance computing. In this seminar, I would like to introduce how to implement the ECM on the memory-constrained device, and the experimental result of the ECM in comparison with ECM performances on other platforms. We achieved the extremely high power-performance of ECM implementation on the Kalray MPPA-256 processor. |
u‰‰ŽÒ(Presenter)F | ‘å‘q Žj¶(Fumio OKURA)C‘åã‘åŠw ŽY‹Æ‰ÈŠwŒ¤‹†Š |
‘è–Ú(Title)F | Activity report in INRIA, France: Changing season in a photograph |
ŠT—v(Abstract)F | I visited to REVES (REndering and Vitrual Environments with Sound) group in Inria Sophia-Antipolis, France. This group focuses on computer graphics, especially image-based rendering and texture synthesis techniques. I have worked for a novel image manipulation technique which is a combination of a two complementary image manipulation techniques, i.e. color and texture transfer. We propose the first algorithm that unifies color and texture transfer, outperforming both by leveraging their respective strengths. Our approach transfers large temporal changes between photographs, such as change of season. |
u‰‰ŽÒ(Presenter)F | Sakriani Sakti, ’m”\ƒRƒ~ƒ…ƒjƒP[ƒVƒ‡ƒ“Œ¤‹†Žº |
‘è–Ú(Title)F | Context Awareness and Priority Control for Intelligent Transport Systems based on Automatic Speech Recognition |
ŠT—v(Abstract)F | This report presents research work conducted during my stay at Robotics & Intelligent Transportation Systems (RITS) Team, INRIA Rocquencourt, France. First, I started my activity with a study on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) research field, including the state-of-the-art technology and the existing problems. Bringing rapid assistance to motorists involved in a traffic accident is an important service to be provided by ITS. Existing proposals to automatic accident detection are based only on the vehicle's perception point of view which might not give an optimal solution. Here, I introduced situational awareness based on the gunderstandingh of conversational speech of drivers/passengers using an automatic speech recognition (ASR) system. Context-aware priority control and congestion control schemes are presented to ensure coexistence of ASR-triggered applications and cooperative awareness messages (CAM) in the IEEE 802.11p system. Application risk analysis and performance evaluations of ASR and V2X communications on ITS simulations are also carried out. Finally, I implemented end-to-end integration between NAIST ASR system with INRIA Cybercars, which enabled communicating with Cybercars through ASR. The video of the real field testing will also be shown. |