
日時: 9月30日(火)2限 (11:00-12:30)

会場: L1

司会: 池田 篤俊
宇田川 大二郎 1351012: M, 2回目発表 杉本 謙二, 小笠原 司, 平田 健太郎, 松原 崇充
title:Model Predictive Control for Hot-Rolled Strip Cooling Process Using Dynamic Variable Resolution Model
abstract:Model Predictive Control is an effective control method for nonlinear plants with constraints. However, application to large-scale systems and/or processes that require high sampling rate is quite challenging because of the heavy computation. Here we consider MPC approach for the cooling process of hot-rolled strip having 3D thermal distribution. To solve this large-scale problem, we propose a method to change the resolution of the model dynamically according to the uniformity of the thermal distributions in the directions of interest. Combined with a hierarchical control strategy to flatten the thermal distribution in a certain direction, one can balance the computational load across the cooling process.
language of the presentation:Japanese
佐藤 拓磨 1351051: M, 2回目発表 杉本 謙二, 小笠原 司, 平田 健太郎, 松原 崇充
title: Power Assist Control Based on Estimation of Disturbance with Frequency Fluctuation
abstract: Electric power assisted bicycle is a popular application of the power assist technology. We are focusing on periodicity of human motions and considering energy-efficient assist control. In our previous work, we observed that pedaling frequency fluctuates to some extent. We propose to apply a disturbance attenuation control based on estimation of disturbance with frequency fluctuation. In this presentation, we show some numerical and experimental results.
language of the presentation: Japanese
浦邊 研太郎 1351013: M, 2回目発表 杉本 謙二, 小笠原 司, 松原 崇充
title: Controller Design of McKibben Pneumatic Artificial Muscle System
abstract: Mckkiben pneumatic artificial muscle(PAM) has attracted attention as a widely applicable and safety actuator because it has a high strength-to-weight ratio and good flexibility owing to its mechanical structure. However, control of the PAM systems is a challenging issue due to complicated non-linear characteristics. In this presentation, I present how to control the PAM on the basis of a model predictive control using a nonlinear hybrid PAM model proposed previously.
language of the presentation: Japanese
長谷川 嵩大 1351087: M, 2回目発表 杉本 謙二, 小笠原 司, 松原 崇充
title: Dexterity Assist Policy Learning for Robot Hand Control Based on Tactile Information
abstract: In this study, we aim to develop a system that assists ``dexterity'' based on tactile information. When we operate a robot hand, we can't obtain tactile information. Therefore, the robot hand lacks dexterity, and can't complete tasks properly. To cope with this problem, we propose a system that assists the dexterity to complete tasks based on tactile information. This approach is based on reinforcement learning with a EM-based policy search method. In this presentation, we introduce the outline of the experiment and progress.
language of the presentation:Japanese

会場: L2

司会: 川原 純
久米 由花 1351038: M, 2回目発表 安本 慶一, 笠原 正治, 荒川 豊, 玉井 森彦
title: Smartphone-based MANET by Hierarchical Combination of Bluetooth and WiFi-Direct
abstract: We propose a smartphone-based MANET (Mobile Ad-hoc NETwork) that combines Bluetooth and WiFi-Direct hierarchically. Recently, bluetooth-based direct messaging application and DTN (Delay Tolerant Network) have widely been studied for disaster areas and crowded events where existing communication infrastructures may become unavailable. However, most existing methods require existing infrastructures when they construct networks for device-to-device communications. Some methods also require modifications to the operating systems of devices, such as getting root access. In this study, we propose to combine two ordinary networks, Bluetooth and WiFi-Direct, for constructing MANET (Mobile Ad-hoc Network) without any modification of the operating system and exsiting infrastructures. In general, bluetooth and WiFi-direct only support one-to-one communication. However, we realize multihop network by combining them hierarchically. In this research, there are two big issues, (1) how to construct hierarchical network automatically? (2) how to deal with two different networks simultaneously and how to connect them transparently? First, we focus on the latter issue. In my implementation, 3 android phones are connected linearly and the function (2) is implemented in the intermediate terminal as an application. By sending a message between both edge node, we confirm that our method can realize a multihop communication without any modification of Android OS. As a next step, I will consider the issue (1).
language of the presentation: Japanese
発表題目: BluetoothとWiFi-Directを階層的に組み合わせたスマートフォンによるMANETの提案
発表概要: 本研究では,スマートフォンで利用可能な通信手段であるBluetoothとWiFi-Directを階層的に組み合わせたMANET(Mobile Ad-hoc NETwork)を提案する.近年,災害時や混雑したイベント会場のように,携帯電話網による通信が利用できない環境を想定し,Bluetoothを用いて端末同士が直接通信する端末間通信やDTN(Delay Tolerant Network)の研究が盛んに行われている.しかしながら,既存手法では端末間通信を行うためのネットワークを構築する際に既存のインフラへの接続が必要であったり,スマートフォンのOSの改変(Root化)が必要がある.そこで,本研究では既存のインフラやスマートフォンの改造を必要としない,BluetoothとWiFi-directという一般的な2種類の通信を組み合わせたMANETを提案する.標準のBluetoothやWiFi-directでは,1対1の端末間通信しかサポートしていないが,これらを交互に階層的に接続することにより,マルチホップ通信を実現する.本研究では,(1)階層的なネットワークの自動形成,(2)中継端末における両方の通信方式を同時に利用する同時通信と両方の通信を双方向に接続する透過通信という2つの研究が必要となるが,今回は(2)についてのみ取り扱う.3台の一般的なAndriond端末を直線的に接続し,間の中継端末上に(2)の機能をアプリケーションとして実装する.そして,両端の端末でメッセージを送受信できることを確認する.今後は,(1)について検討していく.
MUHAMMAD ASHAR 1361019: D, 中間発表 安本 慶一, 笠原 正治, 荒川 豊, 玉井 森彦

title: A Priority based Medical Image Delivery Service in Disaster Areas over DTN

abstract: In a developed country like Indonesia, due to low penetration of high-speed cellular networks, it is difficult to send high-resolution images (especially medical images) from mobile phones. We developed a medical image (targeting eye injuries) delivery service using DTN, which optimizes the delivery of victim image data to doctors in nearby hospitals from a disaster area. By analyzing the received images, doctors can identify the type and the degree of the eye injuries of the victims. To reduce image delivery delay, a medical image is divided into pieces and each piece is sent to the doctors based on its priority. We apply an image processing method to analyze each eye image captured during an emergency situation and assign a priority to each of the divided pieces based on its content (e.g., high priorities are given to pieces that contain eyes and low priorities are given to the other pieces). In order to shorten the delivery time, we also propose a routing mechanism that is a modified version of a prioritized routing mechanism for DTN with a functionality that sends pieces in descending order of the priority.

language of the presentation: English

槇原 絵里奈 1351097: M, 2回目発表 飯田 元, 笠原 正治, 伊藤 実, 市川 昊平
title: Support and Analysis for Exploratory Programming by Novice in Programming Exercises
abstract: When the expert software developers use unfamiliar programming language and its API, they use exploratory programming in order to complete their program.In the manner of exploratory programming, a developer, firstly, writes prototype of the program that is a base point of development. Secondly, a developer modifies a part of the prototype, compile and run it. If she/he encounters compile error or runtime error, she/he tried to modify her/his program based on the other strategy. By using exploratory programming technique, developers can easily find or guess the point or reason of errors. As a result, productivity of the development will be increased. Existing research only focused into the exploratory programming by experts. Therefore, the actual conditions of novice programmers are not cleared. However, there is possibility that the novice programmers modify a part of the program, compile and run it every time when the program occurs some error without their expectation.We consider existing programming environments do not support exploratory programming efficiently because it is difficult for novices to revert her/his program to the prototype when some error occurred. In this research, we aim to propose the support environment of the exploratory programming for novices. For the first step of considering appropriate support environment for novices, we revised the definition of exploratory programming by novices based on the existing definition and investigated the actual conditions of the exploratory programming by novices. In this presentation, I will explain the result of the investigation and propose the support environment of the exploratory programming for novices based on the result.
language of the presentation: Japanese
発表題目: 初学者向けプログラミング演習における探索的プログラミングの実態調査と支援手法の提案
発表概要: ソフトウェア開発の熟練者は扱いに慣れていないプログラミング言語やAPIを操作する際,探索的プログラミングと呼ばれる手法を用いることが知られている.探索的プログラミング手法では,まず開発者は修正の基点となるプログラム(プロトタイプ)を作成する.次にプロトタイプの一部のみを修正して,コンパイル・実行を行う.この際エラーが生じたらプロトタイプに戻し,別の方策に基づく修正およびコンパイル・実行を行う.この手法により開発者はエラーが起こる箇所の推測・特定が容易となるため,開発の効率がよくなると言われている.従来,探索的プログラミングは熟練者のみが行うと考えられており,プログラミング初学者における実態は明らかにされていない.初学者もプログラムが意図した挙動を示さない際に,一部分を修正してその都度コンパイルや実行を行うことは考えられる.しかし,プロトタイプを作ることやエラーが生じた際にプロトタイプに戻すことは,初学者にとって時間的コストが大きい.そのため,既存のプログラミング環境では効率よく探索的プログラミングを行えていない可能性がある.そこで,本研究では初学者を対象とした探索的プログラミングの支援環境を提案することを目的とする.そのために,初学者における探索的プログラミングを従来の定義を基に新たに定義し,その実態を調査した.発表では調査結果と結果に基づいた支援環境について報告する.