藤原 寛高 | 1351095: M, 2回目発表 | 山口 英, | 藤川 和利, | 安本 慶一, | 門林 雄基, | 楫 勇一, | 猪俣 敦夫 |
Title: A Study of Drive by Download Attack detection using the features of the
Abstract: Recently, the users of Web services have increased. In turn, the rate of attacks on users of Web services has also increased. One of these types of attacks is known as a "Drive by Download Attack", which is able to infect a user's system with malware when they visit malicious sites. This attack is usually accomplished via obfuscation. Obfuscation can hide the attack codes from the security tools. In this research I propose a way to detect "drive by download attacks" by understanding and using the features of the obfuscation. Language of the presentation: Japanese 発表題目: 難読化の特徴を利用したドライブバイダウンロード攻撃検知についての検討 発表概要: 最近では、ウェブサービスを利用する人々が増えたことで、攻撃者はウェブサービスを利用してユーザを攻撃するようになった。 その中でもウェブサイトを訪れることでマルウェアに感染するドライブバイダウンロード攻撃が存在する。 この攻撃を隠すために使用されている難読化という技術の特徴を利用したドライブバイダウンロード攻撃の検知方法についての検討を行う。 | |||||||
東 健太郎 | 1251005: M, 2回目発表 | 山口 英, | 安本 慶一, | 猪俣 敦夫, | 門林 雄基 | ||
title: Mitigating DoS attacks to web servers with hybrid client puzzles
abstract: Dos Attacks to web services are an attacks which stop a server from providing its service. Client puzzles are a kind of countermeasure against DoS Attacks and are the scheme which can correct disparities between server and client load. In terms of previous work, I introduce two types of puzzle schemes, one is based on a hash function and the other is based on network latency. The former can give a client load according to their connections, but it depends on client's computational power. The latter can give a client load regardless of their computational power, but it can give a client a little load. Therefore, I propose a new client puzzle scheme which is a mixture of both hash-based and latency-based client puzzles. In this proposed scheme, a client must access certain nodes in order and solve hash-based puzzles. By doing so, I expect that it can give a client load according to their connections and regardless of their computational power. In this presentation, I talk about the implementation and experimental plan. language of the presentation: Japanese 発表題目: ハイブリッドクライアントパズルを用いたwebサーバへのDoS攻撃の緩和手法の提案 発表概要: webサービスに対するDoS攻撃は、サーバがサービスを提供できない状況を作り出す。 クライアントパズルはDoS攻撃の対策の1つで、クライアントとサーバ間の負荷の差を埋めるための仕組みである。 先行研究として、ハッシュ関数を利用したものと、ネットワーク遅延を利用した2種類のクライアントパズルがある。 前者は接続数に応じた負荷をクライアントに与えることができるが、計算機の計算能力に依存するため効果が安定しない。 後者は効果が安定するが、クライアント側の負担はほとんどない。 そこで、2種類のクライアントパズルを組み合わせた、ハッシュ関数とネットワーク遅延の両方を利用した新しいクライアントパズルを提案する。 提案手法では、クライアントは指定されたノードに順番にアクセスしてハッシュ関数を利用したパズルを解く。 それによって、一定の効果を確保しつつ接続数に応じた負荷を与えることが期待できる。 本発表では、実装や実験の概要について説明する。 | |||||||
津田 航 | 1351068: M, 2回目発表 | 山口 英, | 安本 慶一, | 藤川 和利, | 門林 雄基, | 猪俣 敦夫, | 櫨山 寛章 |
title: Detecting Botnet which utilize machine learning with DNS response packets
abstract:In recent years, problems such as internet banking fraud, ransomeware, and spam mail are steadily becoming serious threats to the safe and secure operations of the internet. The majority of these attacks are related to Botnet, which consists of a Command and Control (C&C) server and hosts which are infected with malware. In this research we present a new botnet detection system, which utilizes machine learning with the statistical feature of DNS response packets. language of the presentation: Japanese | |||||||
GARCIA RICARDEZ GUSTAVO ALFONSO | 1361015: D, 中間発表 | 小笠原 司, | 萩田 紀博, | 高松 淳, | 山口 明彦 |
title: Asymmetric Velocity Moderation for Human-Safe Robot Interaction
abstract: Fast and powerful robots are in the way of reaching our daily life environments. Therefore, making robot's motions safe for humans along with maintaining the robot's efficiency has become crucial. In this research, I propose a reactive controller, a safety index and a replanning strategy that keep both human safety and the robot's performance. language of the presentation: English | |||||
大津 淳 | 1351019: M, 2回目発表 | 小笠原 司, | 萩田 紀博, | 高松 淳, | 吉川 雅博 |
title: Effect of Encouragement of Humanoid Robots on Work Performance of Human abstract: Recently, due to the progress in the development of humanoid robots, the interaction between humanoid robots and humans is increasing. Under such a background, it has come to our attention that a robot working next to a human affects the human performance. However, it is not well understood how the robot can encourage or discourage the human and affect his/her performance. Therefore, I study the effects of encouragement and discouragement to humans who are solving sum operations by using an android robot which can change facial expressions, speak, and make gestures. language of the presentation: Japanese | |||||
佐藤 諒 | 1351052: M, 2回目発表 | 小笠原 司, | 金谷 重彦, | 高松 淳, | 吉川 雅博 |
title: A Realistic 3D-Printed Electrical Prosthesis abstract: Most of the people who lost their hands equip prosthetic hands. The cosmetic prosthetic hand is realistic-looking but not functional. The body-powered prosthetic hand is functional but not realistic-looking because of its hook. The myoelectric prosthetic hand has realistic appearance and functionality to open and close its fingers. But it is less realistic-looking than the cosmetic prosthetic. And it is bigger than the human hand, heavy and expensive. So in this research, I develop the prosthetic hand that is inexpensive and light, has realistic appearance and can behave according to the will of the user. Specifically, I develop the prosthetic hand frame to move the cosmetic glove. I use the 3D printer mainly to make light, inexpensive, practical and simple structure prosthetic hand frame. | |||||