
日時: 6月16日(月)3限 (13:30-15:00)

会場: L1

司会: 中島 悠太
SANTOS MARC ERICSON CHAVEZ 1261207: D, 中間発表 加藤 博一, 横矢 直和, 宮崎 純,山本 豪志朗
title: Situated Multimedia for Ubiquitous Learning
abstract: We need to innovate the way people learn to encourage complex problem-solving and critical thinking. Learning should not be confined in the classroom. Instead, it should be ubiquitous in our daily lives. One of the enabling technologies for ubiquitous learning is augmented reality (AR). AR is essentially situated multimedia - - virtual pictures and words viewed in relation to real environments. Our research implements and evaluates concrete learning scenarios that use situated multimedia. Moreover, we develop tools and methods to support the creation and evaluation of these AR learning experiences.
language of the presentation: English
Muhammad Zeeshan Asghar 1261208: D, 中間発表 加藤 博一, 横矢 直和, 宮崎 純,山本 豪志朗
title: *** An interface to enhance communication between dementia patients and their caretakers ***
abstract: *** Communication is a key factor to build a strong relationship between dementia patients and their caretakers. Positive communication will not only enhance the delivery of care services but also improves the well-being and quality of life of dementia patients. However, dementia patient ability to communicate is gradually lost due to the memory impairment and the caretaker may not be familiar with the current condition of the patient’s disease. The focus of our research is to provide communication triggers for the dementia patients that their caretakers can use to start a conversation. These triggers are stories about personal items regularly used by the patient in their home. We developed a simple interface to evaluate the effectiveness of these triggers in an ambient assisted living environment. ***
language of the presentation: *** English ***
Alhumaidan Abdullah Emad I 1251204: M, 2回目発表 加藤 博一, 井上 美智子, 宮崎 純, 山本 豪志朗
title: Optimization for energy, power and time for OLAP queries
abstract: Database management systems (DBMSs) are used commonly in companies. As for processing systems, DBMSs have two types of processing systems; a) On-Line Analytical Processing (OLAP) systems, b) On-Line Transaction Processing (OLTP) systems. Energy is highly consumed in servers that are used to store data of large DBMSs, which lead to an energy issue for the last four years. Researchers who searched for means to reduce the energy choose a method from two; one method is hardware improvement, the other is software improvements. The results achieved on software improvement on OLTP & OLAP systems were acceptable for OLTP systems (reducing 19% of energy consumption). However, it was not for OLAP systems (reducing only 3.3% of energy consumption). The goal of my research is to reduce the energy consumption of a given query in OLAP system by 20%. Furthermore, I`m using Randomized Algorithms (RAs) in the query optimizer in order to find an optimal plan.
language of the presentation: English

会場: L2

司会: 大和 勇太
稲垣 慶和 1261201: D, 中間発表 中島 康彦, 井上 美智子, 姚 駿, 高前田 伸也
title: Application mapping method to distributed memory array accelerator and evaluation
abstract: It had been proposed that to accelerate BFS(Breadth First Search) used for large-scale graph analyze and stencil computing used for large-scale simulations from both sides of hardware and software. We proposed distributed memory array accelerator that has features such as distributed single-port local memory based data hierarchy and the ring-formed connections. We describe mapping method of stencil computing on that accelerator and result of evaluation. Moreover, we describe approach to get high performance of BFS included in Graph500 benchmark for supercomputers based on large-scale graph analysis and program mapping method to new accelerator based on distributed memory array accelerator. language of the presentation: Japanese
language of the presentation: Japanese
発表題目: メモリ分散型アレイアクセラレータへのアプリケーションの写像と性能評価
発表概要: 大規模シミュレーションや画像処理に使用されるステンシル演算や、ビッグデータ処理に使用される幅優先探索に対する 高速化の研究開発は、ハードウェア/ソフトウェアの両面から行われている。 我々は演算器とシングルポートメモリをリング接続したメモリ分散型アレイアクセラレータを提案しており、 本アクセラレータの性能を引き出すためのステンシル演算のマッピング手法とその効果について説明する。 また幅優先探索の高速化へのアプローチとして、スーパーコンピュータの性能評価指標として使用されるgraph500の プログラムを解析し、現在考案中であるメモリ分散型アクセラレータを応用した新アクセラレータへのマッピング手法について検討する。
Kaltstein Oliver 1251208: M, 2回目発表 中島 康彦, 井上 美智子, 姚 駿, 高前田 伸也
title: DIVA-EMIN: efficient dependability for post-silicon materials
abstract: Microprocessors for new materials (e.g. IGZO thin film) are required to have a small amounts of transistors so they can fit onto the material. At the same time due to the sensitivity of film-material more redundancy is necessary to avoid early system-failure. DIVA-EMIN is a way to add redundancy and still keep the circuit smaller than in a Double Module Redundancy (DMR) implementation.
language of the presentation: English