
日時: 9月30日(月)1限 (09:20-10:50)

会場: L1

司会: Ana Camargo
藤原 賢二 1261013: D, 中間発表 飯田 元, 松本 健一, 安本 慶一, 市川 昊平, 吉田 則裕
title: Assessment of maintainability benefits of refactoring based on the fine grained detection
abstract: Refactoring is a technique for improving software design. It is the process of changing the structure of program without changing its behavior. So far, several refactoring detection technique have been proposed in order to recover the history of refactoring in the software development. There are a number of benefits by detecting refactoring instances from a software repository. For instance, a) refactoring instances help developers' comprehension to the update of libraries, b) researchers can investigate and assess benefits of refactoring instances, c) researchers can investigate the better approach to support developers refactoring activities by analyzing refactoring histories. However, existing refactoring detection tools take a lot of time because they assume refactoring detection is performed from one release version to another release version. In this presentation, I will introduce novel refactoring detection technique for theses investigations. In order to reduce computational effort, It transforms software repository managed by a version control system. I implemented proposed technique as a refactoring detection tool and evaluated its precision and recall. As a result, the precision and the recall of refactoring detection by proposed technique was higher than UMLDiff which is a refactoring detection tool.
language of the presentation: Japanese
Patanamon Thongtanunam 1251211: M, 2回目発表 飯田 元, 松本 健一, 安本 慶一, 市川 昊平, 吉田 則裕
内垣 聖史 1251017: M, 2回目発表 松本 健一, 飯田 元, 門田 暁人, 伊原 彰紀
小西 文章 1251043: M, 2回目発表 松本 健一, 飯田 元, 門田 暁人, 畑 秀明

会場: L2

司会: 原 祐子
伊藤 渓太 1251010: M, 2回目発表 井上 美智子, 中島 康彦, 畠山 一実, 米田 友和, 大和 勇太
宮本 佳治 1251105: M, 2回目発表 井上 美智子, 中島 康彦, 畠山 一実, 米田 友和, 大和 勇太
Yussuf Ali 1251130: M, 2回目発表 井上 美智子, 中島 康彦, 畠山 一実, 米田 友和, 大和 勇太
楠田 浩平 1251039: M, 2回目発表 中島 康彦, 井上 美智子, 姚 駿, 原 祐子