
日時: 9月27日(金)1限 (09:20-10:50)

会場: L1

司会: 吉田 則裕
HYRY JAAKKO MARKUS 1261022: D, 中間発表 加藤 博一, 萩田 紀博, 宮崎 純, 山本 豪志朗

title: Interaction Design of a Projection-based Display for the Elderly with Memory Problems

abstract: The elderly with memory problems who live at home alone cannot get assistance to their daily tasks in the future as there is not enough caretakers available to everyone. We propose a projection-based display system that offers help to the elderly with an easy to understand interaction features. With the system we hope to improve the lives of the elderly, so that they can be more independent and active, as well as take off some of the workload from the caretakers, while they can help also remotely.

language of the presentation: English

木村 歩賛名 1251038: M, 2回目発表 加藤 博一, 萩田 紀博, 宮崎 純, 山本 豪志朗
山田 與志雄 1251113: M, 2回目発表 加藤 博一, 萩田 紀博, 山本 豪志朗, 武富 貴史
李 希成 1251133: M, 2回目発表 加藤 博一, 萩田 紀博, 山本 豪志朗, 武富 貴史

会場: L2

司会: 橋本 健二
塚本 英邦 1261203: D, 中間発表 松本 健一, 関 浩之, 門田暁人
title: Improvement of Teaching Materials for Programming Education based on ARCS Strategies and Statistical Testing and Its Evaluation
abstract: In this research, a statistical remediation method for the teaching materials of programming education has been proposed, and its effects have been evaluated. In this method, the teaching materials are systematically improved through the quantitative measurement and analysis of the motivation of the students so that a distinct improvement can be obtained irrespective of the knowledge and experience of the teachers. Specifically, the motivation score of the students for each of the 12 subcategories of the ARCS motivation model is measured in each lesson, and the subcategory of a particular lesson in which the score decreased significantly from a previous one is identified. The remediation strategies corresponding to these subcategories are then looked up in the lists of “motivation strategies” in the ARCS model, and are used to improve the teaching materials. By applying this method to a programming course, five weak points in the teaching materials were identified and they have been improved using the remediation strategies. The effects of the remediation have been confirmed in three of these weak points in the following programming course.
language of the presentation: Japanese
発表題目: ARCS動機づけ方略と統計的検定に基づくプログラミング教材の改善とその評価
発表概要: 本研究では,プログラミング教育における教材の改善手法を提案し,その効果を評価する。本手法は,学習者のモチベーションを定量的に測定し,ARCS動機づけ方略と統計的検定に基づいてプログラミング教材の改善を行う。具体的には,学習者のモチベーションを,ARCSアンケートによって測定し,統計的に有意な減少が生じる授業毎の下位カテゴリーを特定する。その下位カテゴリーに対応するモチベーションを向上させる方略を,ARCS動機づけモデルの“動機づけ方略”における方略見本から選択する。方略見本に基づいて教材の改善要素を設定し,プログラミング教材の改善を行う。ケーススタディとして,本手法によって5つの改善要素を設定して教材改善を行ってプログラミング教育を試行し,特徴的な3つの改善要素における教材改善の効果を検討する。
津田 裕司 1051070: M, 2回目発表 松本 健一, 関 浩之, 門田 暁人, 伊原 彰紀
土江 康太 1251065: M, 2回目発表 関 浩之, 安本 慶一, 楫 勇一