
日時: 9月25日(水)5限 (16:50-18:20)

会場: L1

司会: Sakriani Sakti
松尾 治夫 1261014: D, 中間発表 横矢 直和, 小笠原 司, 佐藤 智和
title: Driver State Estimation for Human-Vehicle Interaction
abstract: I present a system that monitors driver's behavior and facial features as a revealing indicator of driver's decreasing arousal, traffic safety confirmation for human-vehicle interaction. Decreasing arousal and inappropriate traffic safety confirmation are typical cause of traffic accident by human error. I show the prototype of early stage of sleepiness detection and traffic safety confirming evaluation. In this system, driver face detection is foundation for driver state estimation. I also show the progress of face detection accuracy using image composition technique in vehicle cabin.
language of the presentation: Japanese
馬場 浩平 1251084: M, 2回目発表 小笠原 司, 中村 哲, 高松 淳, 吉川 雅博