Maricris Cuison Marimon | 1161206: D, 中間発表 | 杉本 謙二, 岡田 実, 平田 健太郎 |
title: An ICA Approach Blind Deconvolution Scheme for System Identification
abstract: Blind Signal Deconvolution is used to recover source signals of a dynamical system (mixer) from its output signal with a notable feature that both the input signals and system are unknown. This originates from signal processing but also plays important roles in control engineering since it aids in identifying systems having unknown inputs such as disturbances. In this presentation, a proposed improved blind signal deconvolution scheme that fits into system identification for control will be discussed. An existing BSD scheme based on FIR (finite impulse response) approximation is effective but it demands a large number of taps since the mixer (system to be identified) has finite invariant zeros. In this method, the demixer (inverse system) is represented via polynomial matrix fraction and its gradient is computed with respect to mutual information, thereby deriving a learning law with a given modest number of parameters. Numerical simulations will be shown in this presentation to showcase the effectiveness of the proposed scheme. Also, future plans on utilizing it for ocean wave signal processing will also be discussed. language of the presentation:English | ||
朴 建 | 1151214: M, 2回目発表 | 小笠原 司, 中村 哲, 高松 淳, 山口 明彦 |
明戸 俊英 | 1151201: M, 2回目発表 | 中村 哲, 杉本 謙二, 猿渡 洋 |
桂樹 哲雄 | 1161201: D, 中間発表 | 金谷 重彦, 安本 慶一, Md.Altaf-Ul-Amin |
title: Towards a large-scale simulation of metabolism
abstract: Metabolomics analysis tools can provide quantitative information on the concentration of metabolites in an organism. In this research, we propose the minimum pathway model generator tool for simulating the dynamics of metabolite concentrations (SS-mPMG) and a tool for parameter estimation by genetic algorithm (SS-GA). SS-mPMG can extract a subsystem of the metabolic network from the genome-scale pathway maps to reduce the complexity of the simulation model and automatically construct a dynamic simulator to evaluate the experimentally observed behavior of metabolites. Using this tool, we show that stochastic simulation can reproduce experimentally observed dynamics of amino acid biosynthesis in Arabidopsis thaliana. In this simulation, SS-mPMG extracts the metabolic network subsystem from published databases. The parameters needed for the simulation are determined using a genetic algorithm to fit the simulation results to the experimental data. We expect that SS-mPMG and SS-GA will help researchers to create relevant metabolic networks and carry out simulations of metabolic reactions derived from metabolomics data. In this presentation, I will present the result of the paper of my work that was published in the Plant Cell Physiology in 2013. I will also discuss my future plan on the improvement of the parameter estimation. language of the presentation: Japanese | ||
Budi Rahmadya | 1151206: M, 2回目発表 | 伊藤 実, 安本 慶一, 柴田直樹, 孫 為華 |
勝田 雄大 | 1151036: M, 2回目発表 | 岡田 実, 安本 慶一, 東野 武史 |
Yap Christopher Michael | 1251206: M, 1回目発表 |
title: Game Studies: Analysis of Interactive Narrative
abstract: Games are a powerful and effective digital storytelling medium. Even as an industry, games have become the most dynamic medium of the 21st century with total worldwide releases exceeding 1000 titles weekly. Despite such widespread appeal and sudden progress, both the effects of games on society and the mechanisms used in achieving those effects remain severely under-researched. In this study, we propose a tentative metric of "Narrative Merit" for understanding the potential depth of meaning and significance of a particular game narrative, in order to analyze and better understand the interactive storytelling mechanisms that have arisen and remain employed today in this dynamic digital artform. language of the presentation: English | |
GEORGESCU LIVIU MARIUS | 1251207: M, 1回目発表 |
title: Empirical study of IPv6 transition technologies using IPv6NET(IPv6 Network Evaluation Testbed)
abstract: The transition from IPv4 to IPv6 is an ongoing process which will eventually lead to the end of the IPv4 era. The transition from IPv4 to IPv6 also presents the Internet community with many challenges. One of those challenges is to decide which transition mechanism is the most suitable for a certain scenario. In this presentation I will introduce the IPv6NET(IPv6 Network Evaluation Testbed) concept, and how it should help us overcome this challenge. I will also present experiences with testing the IPv6NET concept in an open environment during the WIDE Camp Spring 2013. language of the presentation: English | |
東 健太郎 | 1251005: M, 1回目発表 |
title: Survey of Client Puzzle Protocol
abstract: Flooding DoS is a serious problem because even if a server is effectively protected against vulnerability, it may still be vulnerable. There already exist many countermeasure against Flooding DoS such as load balancing with multiple servers, however, most of them are server-side. In this presentation, I focus on Client Puzzle Protocol, a countermeasure of client-side, and introduce recent study about it. language of the presentation: Japanese 発表題目: Client Puzzle Protocolに関する研究の動向 発表概要: サーバ側に脆弱性が無くてもサービスが停止する可能性があるFlooding DoSは特に解決が困難な問題である。 この問題に対して複数のサーバを用いた負荷分散といった様々な対策が存在するが、 そのほとんどはサービス提供側の負担によるものが多い。 本発表では、サービスの利用者側にも負担を求める対策の1つとしてClient Puzzle Protocolに着目し、 その研究動向について紹介する。 | |
Yuttakonkit Yuttakon | 1251213: M, 1回目発表 |
title: Research of low power redundant architecture
abstract: Using dependability support to guard band the low power zero-margin execution. Architecture design for both timing errors and transient faults under low voltage. language of the presentation: English | |
Kaltstein Oliver | 1251208: M, 1回目発表 |
title: Adding Dependability to 6502 Microprocessors on Thin Film
abstract: Thin-film technology allows only simple circuits. In my research I select a 6502 microprocessor because of its small number of transistors. Simplifications will make it even smaller. To make it more suitable for thin-film material the dependability must be increased by adding redundancy to it. language of the presentation: English | |