ゼミナール講演(頭脳循環報告会, Report Meeting of Brain Circulation Program)

日時: 平成25年4月22日(月)3限 (13:30 -- 15:00), 2013/04/22, Monday
場所(Location): L1

講演者(Presenter): 高松 淳(Jun TAKAMATSU), ロボティクス研究室(Robotics)
題目(Title): Activity report in Carnegie Mellon University
概要(Abstract): In this seminar, I would like to report my activity in Carnegie Mellon University. In this time, I joined the People Image Analysis (PIA) Consortium and developed a method for estimating poses of human upper body from a single image. Since accuracy of estimation is altered in a type of part, the method limits the pose candidates based on pruning. Furthermore, I would also like to introduce my daily life in CMU and US.

講演者(Presenter): 松浦 知史(Satoshi MATSUURA), 情報基盤システム学研究室(Internet Architecture and Systems)
題目(Title): Design and Implementation of Data Format for VANET Analyzer
概要(Abstract): There are some issues on performance evaluations of vehicular ad-hoc network (VANET). Lots of experiments, which were related with physical layer (L1) and MAC layer (L2), were carried out. On the contrary, performance evaluations of multi-hop communication were not enough to show its features. The reason is lack of measurement tools, and ordinary these tools measure end-to-end performances. Performances of multi-hop communication is important because this kind of communication is assumed on VANET. To reveal the features of communication performances on VANET, IMARA project has developed a measurement tool called "AnaVANET". In this presentation, I introduce "AnaVANET" and show its problems. I propose a new data formant considering the features of VANET to solve the problems of "AnaVANET". I also show the implementation of the proposed formant. The implementation reduces cost of communication analysis.

講演者(Presenter): 山本 豪志朗(Goshiro YAMAMOTO), インタラクティブメディア設計学研究室(Interactive Media Design)
題目(Title): Activity report at University of Oulu, Finland: Safety Navigation System for Seniors
概要(Abstract): Population balance between older people and younger people has been predicted to be lost in super graying society, then it has possibility to worsen a relation between care receiver and care givers. Focusing on this issue, some projects which are conducted at University of Oulu aim to realise a smart environment which supports seniours' daily lives with remote support/guide/operate system by connecting each other via the Internet. This report describes a project of safety navigation system for seniours as the presenter was mainly involved. This safety navigation project is a challenge to support senours' outdoor activity, and is one step to provide self-reliance life with higher QOL to seniours.

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