
日時: 9月27日(木)2限 (11:00-12:30)

会場: L2

司会: 服部 託夢
青本和也 1151002: M, 2回目発表 小笠原司, 湊小太郎, 高松淳, 池田篤俊
title: Development of support system for muscle training using musculoskeletal model
abstract: Strength training is being conducted to improve accuracy and quality of specific action in sports. Currently, guide for training plan depend on experience. So, it can’t evaluate and plan quantitatively. Therefor, we developed calculation program for muscle force control, robot system and tool to load. I evaluate the program and system of load. As a result, we confirmed the effectiveness of system using robot.
language of the presentation:Japanese
発表題目: 筋骨格モデルを用いたトレーニングサポートシステムの開発
発表概要: ピッチングやフリーキックなどスポーツにおける,特定の動作の精度や質を高めるために必要な筋群のトレーニングが行われている. 現在のトレーニングプランを組み立てるための指針は,経験による部分が多く定量的な評価が行えていない.そこで,筋骨格モデルを用いた筋活動制御を行うことでトレーニングのサポートを行い,より効率的なトレーニングを実現することを目的とする.そのために,筋活動を制御するための負荷計算プログラム,負荷を加えるためのロボットシステムや器具を開発し,評価実験を行った.その結果,ロボットを用いることでより効率的に狙った筋群のトレーニングを行えることの有効性を確認した.
田口裕也 1151064: M, 2回目発表 小笠原司, 湊小太郎, 高松淳, 池田篤俊
title:An electric prosthetic hand with opposed three fingers using form changes of a stump by muscle contraction
abstract:In this study, we developed an electric prosthetic hand that takes into account the advantages of conventional body-powered hands and myoelectric hands. The arrangement of opposed three fingers achieves workability as the body-powered hands. Since the hand is controlled by the form changes of amputation stump with muscular contraction, it provides a natural operational feeling as the myoelectric hands. A SHAP (Southampton Hand Assessment Procedure) test with an amputee showed the effectiveness of our hands.
language of the presentation:Japanese
中久枝 1151072: M, 2回目発表 湊小太郎, 小笠原司, 杉浦忠男

Title: Development of sorting technique by use of optical tweezers

Abstract: In medical and biology field, many analytical studies targeted on biological samples, such as cells, chromosomes and gene have been carried out recently. Prior to the analysis, sorting process is necessary to separate specific cells from samples to be analyzed. In conventional sorting process target cells, which are contained in droplet, are charged and separated by applying voltage on electrode plates located on the way of the droplet fall by gravity. Because of applying voltage, cells may affect physical damage and hard to separate minute particles like virus. In this work I propose new sorting method which is suitable for high-speed trapping and transportation using optical tweezers, which uses radiation pressure force exerted by a strongly focused laser beam.

Language of the presentation: Japanese



密山京太 1151103: M, 2回目発表 湊小太郎, 小笠原司, 杉浦忠男, 佐藤哲大

title: Correlation of frontotemporal lobe and magnetic resonance spectroscopy in a memory function

abstract: Many researches have been done for the brain function using MRI. There is a technique called tractography that can depict the fiber trajectories in the brain in 3D. In the brain, some fibers are known to be related to memory function. Using tractography technique, several parameters such as fractional anisotropy and apparent diffusion coefficient can be calculated. Functional scores of memory function and parameters from MR spectroscopy can also be obtained. In previous researches, there are no reports that use DTI, functional scores and MRS simultaneously. In this research, our aim is to evaluate these three relationships quantitatively and we show the progress and the future plan of the research in the presentation.

language of the presentation: Japanese

発表題目: 記憶機能における前頭側頭神経束とMRスペクトロスコピーの相関

発表概要: 脳機能に対してMRIを用いた様々な研究が行われている。その中で拡散テンソルトラクトグラフィと呼ばれる脳内の神経線維を三次元で描出する方法がある。脳には記憶機能に関わる神経線維が存在する。記憶機能に関する代表的な前頭側頭葉領域の神経束はトラクトグラフィで描出でき, 拡散テンソル画像(DTI)の指標である拡散異方性(FA値)やみかけの拡散係数(ADC値)が得られる。また,記憶機能検査ではスコアが取得でき,MRスペクトロスコピー(MRS)を用いた手法では,前頭側頭葉領域の代謝物の濃度指標が取得できる。現在,先行研究ではDTIと記憶機能検査の相関を調査したものはあるが,MRSを含めて総合的に関係を調べた報告はない。本研究では記憶機能領域におけるDTIと記憶機能検査,MRSの関係の定量的な評価を目的とし,研究進捗と今後の課題について報告する。