
日時: 9月26日(水)2限 (11:00-12:30)

会場: L1

司会: 竹村 憲太郎
本間直樹 1151095: M, 2回目発表 小笠原司, 池田和司, 川人光男
title:Acquisition of design guidelines based on the data : Design of the sole shape in walking robot model
abstract:Conventionally, model error is large even optimization of the shape in simulation, actual application is difficult. On the other hand, in the method of verification experiments using actual application, the design requires high skills based on knowledge and experience. In this study, we propose a method of extracting key elements in simulation to help design of actual application. In this talk, we focused on shape of the sole in biped robot. We extract the feature axis that correspond shape and performance, and applied to design shape of the sole in biped robot.
language of the presentation:Japanese
泉直克 1151011: M, 2回目発表 池田和司, 小笠原司, 柴田智広, 爲井智也
title: Kinetic analysis of kick leg in instep kick motion
abstract: Analyses of human motions are often performed for the humanoid character control in the field of computer graphics. We are analyzing the kick motions with dynamic manipulability for the control of the kick motion on the humanoid character. Dynamic manipulability express the relationship between the joint angular velocities and the velocity of the end point on the link segment model. In the instep kicks, the dynamic manipulability measure of the instep has the peak at the ball hit. However, when the ball hit, the dynamic manipulability ellipsoid extends the vertical direction instead of the direction that the kicker hope to shot the ball.
language of the presentation: Japanese
NGEO JIMSON GELBOLINGO 1151132: M, 2回目発表 池田和司, 小笠原司, 柴田智広, 爲井智也
title: Continuous Estimation of Finger Joint Angles Using Inputs from an EMG-to-Muscle Activation Model
abstract: Prediction of dynamic hand finger movements has many clinical and engineering applications in the control of human interface devices such as those used in virtual reality control, robot prosthesis and rehabilitation aids. Surface electromyography (sEMG) signals are often used in the mentioned applications because these reflect the motor intention of users very well. However, inherent problems such as electromechanical delay are present in such bio-signal to motion applications. In this study, we present a method to estimate finger joint angles using an artificial neural network with inputs obtained from a so-called EMG-to-Activation model that parameterizes EMD and is obtained through optimization. We predict multiple finger joint angles with sEMG signals in individual finger flexion and extension, and in random and simultaneous finger flexion and extension movement. We also compare the predictor performance when our proposed muscle activation input is used compared to using conventional filtered sEMG signals and time-domain based feature inputs used by some of the related studies.
language of the presentation: English

会場: L2

司会: 奥田 剛
Noppawat Chaisamran 1161030: D, 中間発表 山口英, 伊藤実, 門林雄基
title: Anomaly Traffic Detection in the IP Multimedia Subsystem
abstract: The IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) supports many kinds of multimedia services and is constantly evolving to meet the growth of mobile services and Internet applications. However, the security specifications of IMS networks do not provide any features to protect the system against Denial of Service (DoS) attacks, so a malicious attack can block the system by congesting a core service of IMS. To address the DoS attack problem, we propose an anomaly-based detection system using the Tanimoto distance to identify deviations in the traffic. We use a modified moving average approach to select a threshold. We also propose using a momentum oscillator to detect a slightly increasing attack. We evaluated the ability of our technique to detect attacks using a comprehensive synthetic data set containing various malicious traffic. Experimental results show that our technique accurately identified attacks and has the flexibility to deal with many types of attack patterns.
language of the presentation: English
井関教善 0951007: M, 2回目発表 藤川和利, 山口英, 猪俣敦夫
title: Challenge Study of Social-based Approach in DTN
abstract: Research areas of the new network is mobile personal devices have emerged in recent years is the explosion. Recent research it became popular in the research area is the field of study of delay tolerant network (DTN). Of the DTN in a social-based approach. DTN are., we intend to evaluate the protocol through the research paper.
language of the presentation: Japanese
発表題目: DTNにおけるソーシャルベースアプローチに対する課題研究
発表概要: 近年におけるモバイルパーソナルデバイスが爆発的に普及して新しいネットワークの研究領域が出現しました.それがディレイトレラントネットワーク(DTN)の研究分野である. その DTNの研究領域の中で最近研究が盛んになっている.DTNにおけるソーシャルベースアプローチである. 我々は, その研究論文を通じてプロトコル評価をしていきたい.
津田徹 1151069: M, 2回目発表 藤川和利, 山口英, 猪俣敦夫
title: Dynamic Flow Optimization to reduce energy consumption in the data-center network considering changing network state .
abstract: Data-center is essential in the today's Internet Service. However, energy consumption of data-center is increasing every year. It is important theme to reduce that. We desctibe the design of dynamic flow optimization system using OpenFlow & online algrorithm to reduce energy consumption in the data-center network,
language of the presentation: Japanese
発表概要: データセンタは現在のインターネットサービスにおいて必要不可欠な存在である.しかし,データセンタ内の消費電力量は年々増加傾向を示しており,その削減は重要な課題である.本発表では、我々が現在取組んでいる OpenFlow技術のコントローラ部分に対して,オンラインアルゴリズムによるフローを動的に振り分ける機構を実装することで,余分なスイッチをスリープ状態にし消費電力の低減化を図る研究に関して述べる.
橋本雅至 1151082: M, 2回目発表 藤川和利, 山口英, 猪俣敦夫
title: A proposal for dynamic server consolidation considering the processing time of an application.
abstract: Server consolidation can reduce the actual number of servers or the number of points of management. Due to this advantage, there are many researches for the power consumption on datacenters. The commercial systems such as VMware DRS/DPM periodically consolidate the servers. However, heavily or lightly loaded servers are left until the moment of server consolidation in these systems. In this research, I propose dynamic server consolidation that consolidates servers whenever new active server increases, and reduce the power consumption more than previous researches by this approach. On the other hand, I take into account significant growth of the processing time of an application by this approach because number of migration may increase.
language of the presentation: Japanese
発表題目: アプリケーションの処理時間への影響を考慮した動的なサーバ統合手法の提案
発表概要: 増加傾向にあるデータセンタの消費電力を抑制することを目的として、低負荷なサーバ上のVMを移送し、サーバを統合することで稼働するサーバ台数を抑制する手法について盛んに研究されている。例えば、VMware DRS/DPMのような商用システムでは、定期的にサーバを統合する。しかし、5分間隔や10分間隔のサーバ統合では、高負荷/低負荷なサーバを数分放置する状況になる。そこで本研究では、既にサーバ統合が完了している状態から、ユーザからの処理要求を受け、新しいサーバが稼働されるごとにサーバ統合できないか確認することで、必要以上にサーバ台数が増えることを抑制し、消費電力の削減効率を上げる。その際、マイグレーションの頻発により、ユーザがVM上で稼働しているアプリケーションの処理時間が大きく伸びないように考慮する。