
日時: 9月25日(火)4限 (15:10-16:40)

会場: L1

司会: 原 直
柏木潔 1151034: M, 2回目発表 松本裕治, 鹿野清宏, 新保仁, 小町守
title: Estimating omitted information of opinions for customer reviews
abstract: Customer reviews can be useful for purchasing items and developing items. But, recently, as users of web shopping are increased, the number of reviews is enormous and it is difficult to get desired information eficiently. To solve this problem, there are many studies of opinion mining. But these studies eliminate opinion if there is an evaluation and isn't an aspect. So, in my study, I proposed the method to estimate aspects and get opinions widely even if they are omitted.
language of the presentation: Japanese
発表題目: カスタマーレビュー文書における省略された評価情報の推定
発表概要: 商品に対するレビュー文書は、商品の購入や商品開発における参考意見として、貴重な情報源となっている.しかし、近年Webショッピングの利用者の増加に伴い、レビュー文書の数は膨大なものとなり、求めている情報を効率良く得ることが困難となっている.その解決策として、意見情報や評判情報の抽出の研究が盛んに行われているが、これまでの研究では評価値があっても属性値が記述されていない場合は抽出対象から除外されてきた。そこで本研究では属性値が省略されている場合でも、その属性値を推定することでより網羅的に意見情報や評判情報を抽出することを目的とする。
澤井悠 1151054: M, 2回目発表 松本裕治, 鹿野清宏, 新保仁, 小町守
title: Detecting verb selecting errors of ESL writing using mostly large-scale native corpus
abstract: "Verb selection" is quite difficult for ESL learners, as we can see the distribution of error tags appeared in various learners' English corpora. In a recent study, using semantic features such as the predicate-argument structure has proven to be effective for detecting verb selecting errors(Liu et al., 2010). Those previous works, however, have not used a large-scale native corpus which is proven to be effective in other grammar error detection task (Gamon, 2008), and not performed the evaluation on public test-set. In this presentation, we propose a new detecting technique for detecting verb selecting errors which is based on the recent work of (Gamon, 2008) for detecting and correcting determiner and preposition errors. A preliminary experiment on public ESL corpus has shown the performance of our baseline system based simply on n-gram language model.
language of the presentation: Japanese
発表題目: 大規模ネイティブコーパスを主に用いた英語学習者作文中の動詞選択誤りの検出
発表概要: 様々な学習者コーパス中の誤り種別の分布から,動詞選択はどのような習熟度の英語学習者にとっても難しいタスクであることがわかる. これまで,動詞選択誤り検出・訂正タスクに対しては,意味的素性(述語項構造)の有効性が示されている[Liu et al., 2010]. しかし先行研究では,(1)学習者コーパスに比べ容易に利用できる,大規模なネイティブコーパスの有効性[Gamon, 2008]を活かしていないこと, (2)各手法の比較が可能な公開テストデータでの評価に欠けているという問題がある. 本研究では,前置詞・冠詞誤り検出で有効なGamonによる手法に基づく,動詞選択誤り検出手法を提案する. そして,一般公開されているデータセットに対する評価を行う.
高橋弘志 1151062: M, 2回目発表 松本裕治, 鹿野清宏, 新保仁, 小町守
title: Extraction of Rumor Corrective Information from Twitter posts
abstract: Twitter, the microblogging service has become a popular information source. On Twitter, users can share topics by reposting other user's posts. But after the Great East Japan Earthquake, many rumors have been posted and spreaded. To prevent spreading of rumors, some researchers have extracted tweets which tend to the uncertainty of rumors as Rumor Corrective Information. But they can extract tweets only indlude "デマ". So I will solve this problem by using users relation and extract more Rumor Corrective Indormation.
language of the presentation: Japanese
発表題目: Twitterの投稿からの流言訂正情報の抽出
発表概要: マイクロブログの一種であるTwitterは情報交換の手段として活発に利用されている.Twitterでは再投稿機能によって話題の共有,拡散が行われるが,東日本大震災直後には多くのデマや流言も拡散された.流言の拡散を防止するために,流言の不確かさについて言及した投稿を「流言訂正情報」とし,流言に関するツイートの集合からこれを抽出する研究が行われている.しかし従来の研究には,「デマ」などの特定の単語を含む流言訂正情報しか抽出できないという問題があった.本研究では,ユーザ間の関係をはじめとした情報を利用することによってこの問題を解決し,より多くの流言訂正情報を抽出することを目的とする.
三谷亮介 1151102: M, 2回目発表 松本裕治, 鹿野清宏, 新保仁, 小町守
title:An automatic method for collecting a new word sense and its example for constructing new natural language processing resources.
abstract:To get a new word sense for existing word is important in natural language processing. In particular,In opnion mining task,A vocabrary of word sense effects a system performance directly.
But,the work find a new sense needs a lot of human effort. We are going to try to find a new word sense automaticaly to use a changing word usage over the time. And,We will comepare the poformance of it with some existing WSD methods.
language of the presentation: Japanese

会場: L2

司会: 佐藤 哲大
KIBINGE NELSON KIPCHIRCHIR 1151130: M, 2回目発表 金谷重彦, 湊小太郎, Md.Altaf-Ul-Amin

Utilizing metric properties of amino acid in distance matrix methods for protein sequence analysis

Distance methods in molecular phylogenetics involve determination of “evolutionary separation” between operational taxonomic units (OTUs) based on evolutionary assumptions. Pairwise distances of elements in a multiple sequence alignment are obtained by use of various evolutionary models, which have been modified over time, to follow certain expected evolutionary patterns. The distance matrices are the input to tree constructing algorithms to reconstruct phylogeny. Distance matrix methods are computationally fast and offer a quick and reliable estimate of phylogeny. We utilized metric properties of amino acids and simple Euclidian and Manhattan distance estimation methods to generate distance matrices using physical properties of residues in a multiple sequence alignment as represented by the Altchely metrics of amino acids. These metrics provide two important contributions to protein analysis. First, amino acids, are allocated a metric in numerical scale thus making sequences directly amenable to statistical and mathematical analysis and secondly, it accounts for physical properties as well as distribution of amino acid residues in a multidimensional space whose axes are a projection of the physical properties of amino acid residues. When incorporated these metrics into the phylogenomic pipeline, we found that application of least square distance calculation on multiple sequence alignment is significantly similar to use of advanced evolutionary distance modes yet it eliminates the need for evolutionary assumptions in distance calculation. We show that, by use of just these properties, we overcome the need to make evolutionary assumptions in calculating the “separation” of taxa.

芦田和重 1151005: M, 2回目発表 湊小太郎, 金谷重彦, 杉浦忠男, 佐藤哲大

title: Improvement of base sequence determination algorithm

abstract: By progress of the sequencing technology called "next-generation sequencer", we can get large information on base sequences, such as DNA of a genome and RNA which transferred DNA, in low cost and in a short time. Moreover, the improvement of the algorithm which determines a base sequence is necessary for medical treatment, taxonomy, and so on. However, while cost and time have been greatly reduced, the error of next-generation platforms is still a important subject. In addition, the algorithms for a base sequence still have many problem. This research focuses the algorithm of base sequence determination called "Base Call". We will make a comparison of the accuracy of two existing Base Caller, "Bustard" and "Ibis", and research those problems and improvements. This presentation will describe the result of the base sequence determination using the existing two Base Call algorithms, and the method of improvement.

language of the presentation: Japanese


発表概要:次世代シーケンサと呼ばれる技術の進歩により, ゲノムのDNA, DNAを転写したRNAなどの塩基配列の情報を従来にくらべて飛躍的に低いコスト, 短時間で得ることができるようになりつつある. また, 次世代シーケンサから得られた情報から塩基配列を決定するアルゴリズムの改善を進めることで, 医療を含めた生物学分野における遺伝子情報の解析研究の促進に大きく貢献することが期待されている. しかし, シーケンサやアルゴリズムには, データの信頼性をいかに評価するかなどの問題が多く残されており, それらを解決することが生命情報科学分野の緊急課題になっている. 本研究はベースコールと呼ばれる塩基配列の出力プロセスに注目する. 既存の複数のベースコーラーについて精度の比較を行い, その問題点の調査と改良を行う. 発表では, 既存のベースコーラーを用いた塩基配列決定の結果と改善の方法について述べる.

與那嶺崇 1151140: M, 2回目発表 湊小太郎, 金谷重彦, 杉浦忠男

Development of a control method of gene inactivation using photo-induced reactive oxygen

Gene knockout and RNAi are popular methods to control a gene expression, although these methods are not easy to use because of time consuming processes in these methods. Moreover, these methods can be applicable to either an individual body or a cell population, but are not effective to a particular cell in a cell population. In this study, I have developed a method to control a gene expression using two-photon excitation of fluorescence molecule by a near-infrared femtosecond laser beam and DNA damage caused by photo-induced reactive oxygen. This method enables us to specify a target cell in a certain cell population, and to inactivate a specific gene only within the target cell, moreover it can be expected that inactivation can be done in shorter time than that with conventional methods. In this presentation, I explain mechanism of inactivation of gene by photo-induced reactive oxygen and show results of a series of experiments on DNA damage by reactive oxygen generated from fluorescent molecules done for investigation of the fluorescent species that can be used for inactivation of the gene.

language of the presentation: Japanese

発表題目: 光誘起活性酸素を利用した遺伝子不活性化制御法の開発



池田俊 1161002: D, 中間発表 金谷重彦, 湊小太郎, Md.Altaf-Ul-Amin
title: Genomic composition insights through whole prokaryote analysis of codon usage
abstract:The diversity of genomes in prokaryotes as a result of molecular evolution is observed by GC-content, phylogenetic coverage and genome structures. It is known that codon-usage bias is the indicator feature of genomes. Codon-usage patterns which relate to base composition and tRNA is important for understanding of genome diversity. However, It is not yet clear what causes the diversity of codon-usage patterns in the prokaryotes. We show that novel measures of codon-usage bias for organisms are distributed by genome features and utilized to trace the variation based on annotation data. As a result, we postulate two aspects: First energy stresses are implicated in the diversity of codon-usage patterns. Secondly, the difference of codon-usage among genes contributes to greater robustness of the survival strategy. This implies presence of mechanisms to decide base composition and that energy requirement can be predicted by base composition and growth conditions.
language of the presentation: Japanese
発表題目: 全原核生物ゲノムを用いたコドン解析によるゲノム構成の洞察
発表概要: 原核生物におけるゲノムの多様性は分子進化によってもたらされ、それはGC含有量や保存領域解析、ゲノム構造の解析によって確認される。コドン使用傾向はゲノムの特徴を示す指標として知られている。コドン使用のパターンは塩基組成やtRNAの量に関係があり、ゲノムの多様性を知る上で重要である。しかしながら、そのような多様性の原因は未だ明らかでない。私たちは各原核生物のコドン使用の新たな指標をもとにゲノムの特徴を示し、各生物情報のデータを基に原因の探索に利用した。その結果、私たちは2つの側面を見出した。一つはエネルギーストレスによってコドン使用が適化される事である。二つ目は、生物内での遺伝子のコドン使用の違いは生存戦略の頑強性に寄与している事である。これはゲノムの塩基組成の決定のメカニズムを表し、さらにこれらは各生物のエネルギー総量が塩基組成と生育条件によって予測できることを示す。