
日時: 平成24年6月20日(水)3限 (13:30 -- 15:00)
場所: L1

講演者: 池田 聖 (大阪大学)
題目: Research Activity Report in the University of Oulu
概要: In this seminar, I will report my research activity in the University of Oulu where I stayed for ten months for the JSPS program "Strategic Young Research Overseas Visits Program for Accelerating Brain Circulation". In Oulu, I belonged to the Department of Information Processing Science and participated in the VESC (Value Creation in Smart Living Environment for Senior Citizen) project promoted by Prof. Petri Pulli. The aim of the project is to support senior citizen’s daily activities through a mobile network, particularly those related to food. In this project, I developed a projector-camera based remote assistance system for cooking activities in a kitchen environment. I will address several technical issues in this work.

講演者: 野口 悟
題目: Activity report at INRIA rocquencourt: service discovery for vehicular communication systems using IPv6 GeoNetworking
概要: In vehicular communication systems, service discovery needs to satisfy additional requirements: discover services according to geographical position since most services are integrated into mobile nodes. We thus propose a geographical location aware service discovery mechanism for Vehicular Ad-hoc NETworks (VANETs) over IPv6 multicast on GeoNetworking protocol. This research has performed in IMARA project at INRIA rocquencourt. This session also reports daily life in France, and at INRIA.

講演者: 竹村 憲太郎
題目: Eye tracking system as a daily-use device
概要: Eye tracking systems are frequently used for various researches, and portable eye tracking systems have been developed actively in recent years. The portability of an eye tracking system has encouraged us to develop human interfaces as a daily-use device. However, the system has several problems as daily use device. In this talk, I will explain problems in a method for estimating point-of-regard, and I will propose one of the solutions toward wearable device. This research was studied under the strategic young researcher overseas visits program for accelerating brain circulation supported by JSPS.

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