
日時: 1月5日(水) 3限


司会:寺田 直美
CHAIKIJWATANA PIRIYA M2(博士前期2回目) 杉本 謙二 岡田 実 平田 健太郎 橘 拓至
発表題目: Auction Mechanism for Bandwidth Allocation in Multi-rate Wireless Networks
発表概要:Network Coding is an excellent technique to improve network throughput in wireless networks. However, in multi-rate wireless networks, network coding may not be effective because its transmission rate is equal to the lowest rate of broadcast link. Therefore, cooperative network coding has been proposed in order to resolve this problem. We consider the utilization of cooperative network coding for the bandwidth auction in multi-rate wireless networks. In this presentation, at first, we explain the effectiveness of cooperative network coding. Then, we introduce our proposed auction mechanism in multi-rate wireless networks. Finally, in numerical examples, we discuss about the effectiveness of our proposed mechanism.