
日時: 12月14日(火)3限 (13:30-15:00)

会場: L1

司会:藤澤 誠
福間 健太 ロボティクス 小笠原 司
発表概要:近年,単眼カメラを用いたVisual SLAMの研究が盛んに行われている.Visual SLAMでは画像中の特徴点をトラッキングすることでカメラの位置・姿勢推定を行い,地図を生成する.従来手法では静的環境下を仮定しており,静的環境下においては頑健なSLAMシステムを実現できるが,動的環境への対応が難しいという問題があった.そこで本研究では,動的環境に対応できるシステムとして,特徴点のクラスタリングを用いた手法を提案する.本発表では関連研究ならびに提案手法,現在の進捗について述べる.
藤田 裕介 インタラクティブメディア設計学 加藤 博一
藤本 雄一郎 インタラクティブメディア設計学 加藤 博一
松田 一樹 像情報処理学 千原 國宏
発表題目:論文紹介 Building Models of Animals from Video, D. Ramanan, D. A. Forsyth, K. Barnard. IEEE Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (PAMI). August 2006.
発表概要:物体の検出・識別・追跡・姿勢推定を正確に行うことはコンピュータービジョンの大きな目標の一つである。これら物体の認識手法の一つに、事前に作成された二次元的あるいは三次元的なモデルを使用する手法がある。モデルの作成について、モデルを低コスト、究極的には自動的に生成する研究が進んでいる。本論文の元となった研究では、実環境下で撮影された一視点ビデオ映像を元に、 pictorical structure と呼ばれる動物の二次元的モデルの自動生成に成功した。本発表では、この論文の紹介を中心に、関連技術と今後の見通しについて述べる。
的場 倫子 インタラクティブメディア設計学 加藤 博一
Yu,Juan Carlos Yu インタラクティブメディア設計学 加藤 博一

Title:Scene Visualization Tool on the Mobile Phone

Abstract:Visualization is often times difficult for people. There are times when a person needs to visualize how a certain scene would look like before continuing some type of action. An example of this is before buying a vase (target object) for your desk in the office (target scene), a person would normally visualize how the vase would look like on top of his desk. Ikea, a famous furniture store, has made things easier for their costumers by providing them with the Augmented Reality Home Planner. By placing AR markers in the appropriate locations in the target scene, a user can view, through his/her mobile phone, the target object thus helping the user visualize the new scene before making any purchases. However, there are cases, when the user is not inside the target scene and the user would need the same type of visualization tool such as Ikea’s Home Planner. I am proposing a system that allows the user to place a 3D representation of a target object inside the target scene even when the user is not presently inside the target scene. The system is divided into three parts. First is acquiring the 3D representation of the target scene. Second is acquiring the 3D representation of the target object. Lastly, and the main focus of my research is creating an intuitive user interface that allows the user manipulate the 3D representation of the target object and the 3D representation of the target scene.


会場: L2

司会:大竹 哲史
吉武 亮 インタラクティブメディア設計学 加藤 博一
Ahmad EL GHAFARI ソフトウェア設計学 飯田 元
発表題目:A Proactive Dynamic Reverse Engineering Approach
発表概要:The quality and result of an evolutionary process depends solely on the correctness and accuracy of architectural analysis and the confidence of making new design decisions. Reverse engineering can give robustness to software evolution processes, systematise the analysis and guide for optimal design decisions. This paper presents the early phases of the progress of a process model to perform dynamic analysis on evolving software systems with a proactive dynamic reverse engineering approach. The approach addresses a particular real environment problem, and can help software industry (1) incept evolutionary processes without losing much time on nonexecutable source code, (2) perform architectural analysis and determine architecture properties based on dynamic analysis with automaton, which provides a theoretical foundation for reverse engineering, and (3) make new design with more confidence and accuracy.
発表題目:Verification of security against inference attack on XML databases
発表概要: XML is becoming the de-facto standard of the digital documents. To protect the confidential data in an XML database, a certain subset of queries is authorized to users. However, the result of an unauthorized query may be leaked from the results of authorized queries by inference attacks. This research discusses the security against inference attacks on XML databases. In this presentation, k-secrecy is given as metric of the security against inference attacks, and the verification problem of k-secrecy is presented. As ongoing work, k-secrecy preservation through database updates is also introduced briefly.
発表題目:Community Search: A collaborative web based searching application with user ranking system.
発表概要:Community Search is a community based on web technology, which acts itself as a Meta search portal that allows users to manage search result contents and provides the collaborative searching function for users to share search results with others and to get the contents analyzed by real users in the community. it also suggests a user the existence of experts who are related to user's search keywords, so that the user can have reliale information the experts recommended.