
日時: 平成21年5月22日(金)3限 (13:30 -- 15:00)

場所: L1
司会: 栗田

喜瀬川拓也 M 1回目 像情報処理学

加藤文彦 M 1回目 蛋白質機能予測学
題目:論文紹介”High throughput docking for library design and library prioritization.”

坂本覚仁 M 1回目 知能情報処理学
題目:卓球ロボットのための戦略学習 Learning of strategies for Ping-Pong robot
概要:人とロボットが複雑に共存する社会において, ロボットは,人を含み,動的に変化する環境において 適切な行動を行えることが望まれる. 本研究では,特に,人とのインタラクションに焦点を当てて ロボットが個人の特徴を認識し, それに合わせた行動を自動で生成する機能の実現を目指す. ベンチマーク課題として,対人卓球タスクを取り上げ 個人に合わせた卓球戦略を学習する課題を通じて この機能の実現を目指す. まず,はじめに,対人卓球タスクに関する説明を行う. 次に,身体的コミュニケーションを システム同定と,そのシステムに基づく制御問題として捉える先行研究について 紹介し,同時にその問題点を指摘する. これらを踏まえ,最後に本研究のアプローチと研究計画について述べる.

Cabatuan Melvin Kong M 1回目 情報コミュニケーション
題目:Cognitive Radio Approach for Leaky Coaxial Cable based High-Speed Rail Broadband Platform
概要:Broadband Access for high-speed rail (>200 km/h) received a great deal of interest recently as an emerging next generation wireless system. However, to deliver real-time services such as teleconferencing, voice over internet protocol, etc., high data rate is required. Providing the necessary data rate is a challenging problem. Even current cellular and satellite technologies cannot be considered as a solution because either they suffer from bandwidth limitations or unacceptable delay time. This study investigates the feasibility and advantages of applying cognitive radio techniques to Leaky Coaxial Cable (LCX) based high-speed rail broadband system.

Kula Raula Gaikovina M 1回目 ソフトウェア設計学
題目:Preparing Small Software Companies for Tailored Agile Method Adoption: Minimally Intrusive Risk Assessment
概要:There is often a misconception that adopting and tailoring agile methods is straightforward resulting in improved products and increasingly satisfied customers. However, the empirical nature of agile methods means that potential practitioners need to carefully assess whether they are exposed to the risks that can make agile method adoption problematic.This is particularly the case with small software companies who are less able to absorb the impact of failed experimentation.This study describes a minimally intrusive assessment approach for small software companies preparing for agile method adoption and tailoring in the light of key risks. The approach has been conducted with six small software companies, three of which are presented to show the evolution of the approach, describe the resource commitment that companies have to make, and highlight the type of information generated from an assesment. The contribution of this study is that small software companies have an alternative to 'mere experimentation' with agile methods and can take reasoned steps towards their adoption and tailoring.

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