ゼミナールI講演 |
日時: | 平成21年11月6日(金) (13:30 -- 17:30, バスは12:00に大学発) |
場所: | 京都大学 吉田キャンパス 百周年時計台記念館 |
「コンピューティング新潮流」と題した21世紀コンピューティング コンファレンスが開催されます。内容は以下のとおりです。
http://www.microsoft.com/japan/events/21ccc/kyoto.mspx京都大学で11月6日(金)に開催される上記コンファレンスに NAISTから80名の学生および教員10名が招待されます。
21世紀コンピューティングコンファレンス参加申込書 (送付先: 研究科事務室 is-jimu@ad.naist.jp) 申込み締切:10月23日(金) ==================================== 申込年月日: 学生氏名: 学年: 学籍番号: 所属講座: E-mail: 本学からのバス利用:する しない ====================================
To IS students:
The Computing in the 21st Century Conference under the theme of “3
Screens and 1 Cloud: Rethinking Computing” is going to be held on
November 6 (Fri.) at Kyoto University. Eighty students and ten faculty
members of NAIST are invited to the conference.
For the conference details, please see:
On the day of the conference, we will arrange two one-way buses bound
for the conference site from NAIST and serve free light meals (sandwich
and milk) on the way. The bus departure time is around 12:00 p.m..
However, the participants must return on their own after the conference.
Participation in this conference can be credited as Seminar I.
Those who would like to take this opportunity must receive the
attendance card to be handed out in the bus.
Those who would miss his/her usual class must get permission from their
respective class teacher.
To register for the conference, please fill at the application form
below and e-mail it to the IS office (is-jimu@ad.naist.jp). Entries are
accepted on a first-come-first-served basis.
Hirokazu Nishitani,
IS Dean.
================================== Computing in the 21st Century participation application form To: is-jimu@ad.naist.jp Application deadline: October 23 (Fri.) ==================================== Application Date: Name: Your Level (M1/M2/...) : Student Number: Laboratory: E-mail address: Would you like to use the bus service? : Yes / No ====================================