
日時: 平成21年6月22日(月)3限 (13:30 -- 15:00)
場所: L1

講演者: Daniel M. German(University of Victoria)
題目: The software engineer meets the lawyer: The Legal Challenges of Software Reuse
概要: Software is protected by copyright law in a similar way in which music and literature are. Until recently this was an issue that concerned few.
The advent of Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) changed this. FOSS licenses are legal documents that give access to the source code of a program and permit its reuse, modification, and redistribution. Suddenly developers and organizations alike, both FOSS and proprietary, realized that they need to understand the conditions and grants embodied in a FOSS license of software that they might want to reuse.
In this talk I will describe our recent work regarding software licensing. In the first part I'll describe the problem of "license mismatch", when two or more FOSS components are used in a system, and the licenses of these components have conditions that cannot be simultaneously satisfied. FOSS developers have found what appear to be legal workarounds to solve this problem, and we document them in a system of patterns that I'll describe.
In the second part I'll describe "Code Siblings". A code sibling is a fragment of code that is copied from one application to another, and hence evolves under a completely different environment than the original fragment. To exist, the license of the original fragment must allow the creation of the sibling. I'll describe a study of the FOSS Unix kernels that is centred around the legal aspects of their code siblings.
This work is done in conjunction with Ahmed Hassan (Queens Univ., Canada), Jesus Gonzales-Barahona (Univ. Rey Juan Carlos, Spain), Massimiliano Di Penta (Univ of Sannio-Benevento, Italy), Giulio Antoniol, and Yann Gue'he'neuc (E. Polytechnique of Montreal, Canada).
講演者紹介: Daniel M. German 先生は,現在カナダの Victoria 大学の准教授を勤められており ます.主な研究主題はソフトウェア工学であり,特に Software Evolution について の研究(改版されつづけるソフトウェアに関する研究)や,オープンソースソフト ウェア開発などについて様々な業績を残されています.また,ソフトウェアの知財に 関する問題にも取り組んでおられます.

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