Transient (soft) errors in control logic are on the rise,
and cannot be handled with the same ease as in memories
and datapaths. This talk will introduce several models
for soft errors and discuss their use in applications.
These applications include (1) estimation of soft-error rate,
(2) non-deterministic circuit test for higher-than-expected
soft-error rates, and (3) logic synthesis for improved realiability.
Our techniques scale to very large designs and, in some cases,
outperform the closest competition one-hundred-fold in runtime.
Igor L. Markov is an associate professor of Electrical Engineering and
Computer Science at the University of Michigan. He is serving on the
Executive Board of ACM SIGDA and editorial boards of the ACM
Transactions on Design Automation of Electronic Systems (TODAES)
and IEEE Transactions on Computers (TC). He has co-authored more
than 120 refereed publications, some of which were honored by
the best-paper award at the Design Automation and Test in Europe
Conference (DATE) and the IEEE CAS Donald O. Pederson award
for best paper in IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design.
Additionally, Prof. Markov is the recipient of a DAC Fellowship,
an ACM SIGDA Outstanding New Faculty award, an ACM SIGDA
Technical Leadership Award, an NSF CAREER award, and an IBM
Partnership Award.