
日時平成 18年 11月 21日(火) 4限 (15:10 -- 16:40)
講演者 Kjeld Hjortnaes
所属 European Space Agency (ESA:欧州宇宙機関), The European Space Technology Center(ESTEC)
講演題目 :The role of Simulators in the Validation of Real-Time Software
In satellites currently being developed by the European Space Agency (ESA) the number of subsystems containing software, and the number of system functions being implemented by software is increasing exponentially, while at the same time the overall development time is being reduced significantly. To cope with this evolution and not sacrifice the overall quality of the end product, parallel developments are done of hardware, the on-board software and the software validation support facilities. It is an essential requirement, that on-board software is verified "in context" even in the absence of the target hardware into which it later has to be integrated. "In context" implies that the software shall be verified under the same operational and functional environment conditions as in the final system. The software validation facility provides this context in the form of a software test bench having a fully representative but simulated environment. Using system simulators as high fidelity test environments for on-board software is a successful strategy being deployed in a number of ESA satellite projects today. The presentation will focus on the role of on-board software in a spacecraft and in particular the support facility required for testing and validation this software.

講演者 Mr. Kenneth Costello
所属 National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA:アメリカ航空宇宙局), Independent Verification and Validation (IV&V) Program, Goddard Space Flight Center
講演題目 :To the Moon, Mars and Beyond

In 2004 NASA was given a new vision of exploration; a vision of returning to the Moon and eventually going to Mars and beyond. To meet this vision, NASA has started work on a new series of launch vehicles and a crew exploration vehicle. This work blends the knowledge of the past with the technology of the future to create a system capable of reaching the International Space Station and the Moon as well as serving as the foundation for an eventual trip to Mars. This presentation will highlight the how NASA has taken what is old mixed with what is new to meet the challenges set forth in the vision.


