
日時平成 18年 4月 17日(月) 3限 (13:30 -- 15:00)
講演者Robert Kowalski
所属 Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine, London
講演題目 Computational Logic in an Object-Oriented World
Computational Logic (CL) combines the declarative semantics of logic with the computational interpretation of its proof procedures. There was a time in the 1980s when it seemed that this combination of Logic and Computation might become the dominant paradigm in Computing, including program specification, programming, databases, and knowledge representation in Artificial Intelligence.

But today it is Object-Orientation (OO), not Logic, that dominates every aspect of Computing from modelling the system environment, through specifying system requirements, to designing and implementing the software and hardware.

Like CL, OO owes much of its attraction, not only to its computational properties, but also to its way of thinking about the world. If these attractions have real substance, then they potentially undermine not only CL's place in Computing, but also its way of modelling and reasoning about the world outside of Computing.

The aim of this talk is to try to understand what makes OO so attractive in Computing and to determine whether it can be reconciled with CL, both in Computing and in the wider world as well.


