芦田 美千代 |
インターネット工学 |
山口 英
発表題目:Security Considerations for Multi-hop Wireless Mesh Networks
今回のプレゼンテーションでは、新たな固定配線を施さずに無線ネットワークの利用範囲を拡大することのできるmulti-hop wireless mesh network技術を紹介する。multi-hop wireless mesh networkには、有線では導入のむずかしい場所にも適用することができるという利点の他に、配線にかかるコストを最小限に抑えるというメリットもある。
しかし、現在実装されているmulti-hop wireless mesh networkの多くが、実験段階にあり、セキュリティ上の問題点について議論されているものは少ない。
種田 良子 |
インターネット工学 |
山口 英
ションへのニーズは高まってきているが, まだカンファレンスでログを書いたり
する場合や, 教育機関での論文作成,添削する場合の時のように, 短期間に複数人
行っていく予定である. |
角 秀樹 |
ソフトウェア工学 |
松本 健一
竹原 けいこ |
自然言語処理学 |
松本 裕治
発表概要:文書の特徴から著者を推定する技術について考える.現状の著者推定では大量の学習データを必要とする.しかし,現実的な利用を考えると,より少量の文書集合から,著者を推定する必要があると考え,本研究の目的とした.そこで,予備実験として,e-mailデータセットから,Support Vector Machinesで学習し,素性を工夫して,2人の著者を推定するというタスクを行った.さらに,今後の課題として,少量の文書からの著者推定に有効な,素性と手法を探すため,既存の確率モデルより,Probabilistic Latent Semantic IndexingとLatent Dirichlet Allocationを用いた実験を考えている. |
Albert Causo |
ロボティクス |
小笠原 司
発表題目:Research Proposal: Simultaneous Tracking of Global and Local Hand Pose using Predictive Filter in Model-based Hand Pose Estimation.
発表概要:This presentation will talk about a new approach which uses predictive filtering for model-based hand-pose estimation to track global pose, i.e. wrist position and palm orientation, and the local pose, i.e. finger joint angles, of the hand simultaneously. First, a review of hand-gesture recognition, hand-tracking, and human-computer interfacing which captures hand motion using model-based approach will be presented. Then, the use of predictive filter in model-based hand modeling will be discussed. Finally, the outline of how to implement predictive filtering in the current multi-view point hand-pose estimation system will be introduced.
The current system uses silhouette images taken from multiple cameras to create a volumetric model of the hand. Model-fitting using a force vector makes the skeletal model approach the voxel model. In the new approach, predictive filter will be added in the current system to simultaneously estimate the global and local pose of the skeletal model. In order to decide which type of filter is appropriate to our approach, simulation of the system using different filters will be done first.
金 守桓 |
情報コミュニケーション |
山本 平一
Reducing power consumption at the RF front end for Adaptive digital terrestrial television broadcasting receiver
In this presentation I propose an adaptive mobile digital terrestrial television broadcasting receiver for reducing power consumption. In 2006 year, mobile reception services of digital television broadcasting will start at Japan. A lot of mobile phone manufacturers have announced their plan for developing distal television broadcasting their function on the mobile phone terminals. Power consumption is strictly limited in Mobile phone terminals because of small battery size. Manufacturers have investigated about reducing power consumption of tuner, demodulator and display in mobile phone terminals. From among these, reducing power consumption of tuners is not simple. Because, it should satisfy characteristics of mobile phone terminal which used orthogonal frequency division multiplex modulation, such as linearity, noise figure and phase noise. Noise Figure and power consumption is a trade-off relation. Usually, manufacturers have designed by high power consumption for the low noise figure tuner. Hence, it get to be high that power consumption of mobile phone terminals. The proposed system exploits multiple amplifiers which have different Noise figures. Usually, it could use a low consumption amplifier. But it could only use in case of average received signal strength less than threshold. Therefore this proposed system could reduce average power consumption. I have estimated the proposed system power consumption and performance of QPSK signaling and on the rayleigh fading channel. |