李 キ | コンピュータ設計学 | 藤原秀雄 |
発表題目:論文紹介"A Low Power Pseudo-Random BIST Technique"
ICCD 2002 468-473.
発表概要:ディジタルシステムのパワーおよびエネルギー消費は、テストモードでシステムモードより高い。低消費電力なVLSI設計は重要である。 電力消費を減少するために、この論文では、疑似乱数のテストパタンに基づいたスキャンチェーンの無効化技術を紹介する。 結果としては、様々なベンチマーク回路に関する実験で、スイッチングアクティビティを減少することを実証する。 | ||
Khoirul Anwar | 情報コミュニケーション | 山本平一 |
発表題目:On the PAPR Reduction for Wavelet-based Multicarrier Communication System
発表概要: Transmultiplexer based on wavelet in conjunction with spread spectrum technique, has been shown to exhibit good performances and reduce complexities while having good spectral properties. On the other hand, common issues with multicarrier modulation signal is the peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR) that caused by the addition of a large number of independently modulated sub-carriers in parallel at the transmitter side. Reducing PAPR is essential for efficient transmitting power utilization, which is important issue for future generation of mobile communication systems. In this presentation, I will report the investigation of PAPR for wavelet-based Multicarrier Communication system using Carrier Interferometry (CI) code, Hadamard Code and Golay Complementary code. I will also compare bit error rates (BER) of those codes performances for clipped signals. | ||
鄭 育昌 | 自然言語処理学 | 松本裕治 |
発表概要: I will present a method of dependency structure analysis for Chinese. The method is a variant of Yamada s work (Yamada, 2003) originally proposed for English parsing. This bottom-up parsing algorithm deterministically constructs a dependency structure for an input sentence. Support Vector Machines (SVMs) or Maximum Entropy Method are utilized to determine the word dependency relations. Experimental evaluations on the CKIP Corpus show that the method is quite accurate on Chinese documents in several domains. | ||
Nichols Eric | 自然言語処理学 | 松本裕治 |
発表概要:この発表では、Head-driven Phrase Structure Grammarという文法理論に基づいた日本語の構文解析器に関して、現在進めている開発を概説する。依存構造とHPSGで表現される情報の関係を示し、依存構造によって得られる情報をHPSGの文法制約として用いるための形式的なモデルを提案する。特にこの文法制約によって解析における曖昧性を解消する方法と、現在の日本語解析システムでカバーできない言語現象の取り扱い方を示す。 | ||
劉 永哲 | 情報コミュニケーション | 山本平一 |
発表題目:Dipole-Array Assisted Doppler Spread Compensator for Mobile Digital Terrestrial Television Broadcasting Receiver
発表概要:Digital terrestrial television broadcasting began in Japan in December 2003. The Japanese digital terrestrial television standard, ISDB-T(Integrated Services Digital Broadcasting for Terrestrial), employs OFDM(Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing) for its transmission scheme. Although OFDM is robust to multipath delay spread because of narrow frequency spacing among sub-carriers, the maximum Doppler frequency shift reaches 70Hz when a vehicle speed is 100km/h and the carrier frequency is 770MHz. The spacing among sub-carriers in the Japanese ISDB-T standard is only 1kHz. This implies that the bit error rate performance is severely degraded due to Doppler shift. In this presentation, I present the dipole-array compensated Doppler spread. Also, I compare with monopole-array using BER(Bit Error Rate) data. | ||