Syllabus 2003

Specialized Subjects

Information Theory

Information volume, entropy, Source encoding, Image compression, JPEG, MPEG

Information Theory I

Information volume, entropy, source encoding, image compression, JPEG, MPEG

Information Theory II

Common key encryption system, Access controlling, Security model, public key encryption system.

Coding Theory

Modeling of communication path, linear code, decryption operation, practical code

Theory of Computation I

finite automaton、Context-free language、Computability、Turing machine

Theory of Commputation II

Parallel computation model、Basic parallel algorithms、P-Completeness、Distributed Algorithms

Hardware Design I

Design for combinational circuits、Design for arithmetic circuits and sequential circuits , Design and verification of hardware systems.

Hardware Design II

Design and test for computers, Design and test for system-on-a-chip

Foundations of Software Science

Database theory、Distributed systems and middleware.

Computation Models

Computational complexity, NP-completeness, Random computation, Term rewriting system, Molecular computation

Sensory Information Processing

Sensing technique、Sensor signal analysis、Image analysis、Image creation

Sensory Information Processing I

Sensing technique、Sensor signal analysis、Image analysis、Image creation

Sensory Information Processing II

Image sensing, Image processing, Sensing system, AD/DA conversion

Statistical Sequence Analysis

Speech and acoustics, Speech analysis and synthesis, Speech recognition,

HMM based genome analysis

Speech Processing I

Speech and acoustics, Speech analysis and synthesis, Speech recognition,

HMM based genome analysis

Speech Processing II

Speech recognition in real environment, Speech analysis and synthesis, Speech synthesis by rule, Multi-modal interface

Fundations of Artificial Intelligence

Knowledge representation, Predicate logic, Inductive learning

Artificial Intelligence I

Search algorithm, Knowledge representation and deduction, Machine learning

Artificial Intelligence II

Image recognition, Image analyzing system, Intelligent image processing

Computational Linguistics

Morphological and syntactic analysis of natural language, Grammatical theory, Semantics

Software Systems

Software computational model, Programming paradigm, Programming for interprocess communication.

Software Engineering I

Software design language, Object-oriented software analysis and design, Interaction design, Software process

Software Engineering II

Software maintenance, code analysis, measurement of utilized process, Planning of software development control

Data Engineering

Relational database, XML and database, Logical/physical design of database, Information retrieval

Information Network I

Computer network, Hierarchical protocol, Data linking technology, Communication protocol.

Information Network II

Concept of protocol and hierarchical structure, Large-scale high-speed network, Server-client model, Multimedia communication system.

Communication Systems I

Wireless communication system, Mobile communication system, Wireless LAN,

Digital broadcasting, Characteristics of wireless propagation path

Communication Systems II

Information communication networks, exchange system, Public communication network and Internet, Next generation network

Systems Engineering

Least squares method, Static optimization problem, Optimization of dynamical systems, Optimal filtering.

Systems Engineering I

Least squares method, Static optimization problem, Optimization of dynamical systems, Optimal filtering

Systems Engineering II

Performance analysis of computer and communication systems, Traffic modeling

Systems Control I

Modeling of dynamical system, linear system analysis, linear control system theory.

Systems Control II

Nonlinear system control theory, H-infinite control theory, Regulator optimization

Digital Image Processing

Pattern recognition and understanding, Digital image processing, Statistical pattern identification, Computer vision


Intelligent robot, Manipulation, Sensing, Planning.

Human-Computer Interaction

User interface, Computer interaction, Virtual reality.

Human and Information

Internal model of cerebella, visual computational theory, Reward expectancy and behavior learning, Information and selfish gene, Media evolution theory

Functional genomics

Structure of microbial genome, Sequence determination of  genome, Transcriptome analysis, Mass spectrometry

Structural Biology

Experimental method of structural biology, Intracellular signaling, 、Interactional specificity, Structural change and molecular regulation

Database Systems

Database model, XML and database, Data mining,, Information biology database

Comparative Genomics

Genomic evolution, Human genomics, Biological system analysis

Theoretical Life Science

Statistical learning theory, 、Genome and protein research, Model of neuron/brain function


Bio-imaging, Molecular/cellular imaging

Advanced Lecturesin Bioinformatics

Sequence analysis by HMM、graph algorithm and gene network, Prediction of protein localization、Genomic drug discovery

Project Practice I,III

The latest subject related to the basis/application of information science.  The project will be taken place on this campus or private research centers located in this area of Kansai Science City.

Exercise to get C programming skills.

Advanced Information Science I,III

Lectures on the advanced and timely theme of information science.

(Machine learning, Brainway information processing)

(Security Management for Internet Infrastructure)

Fundamental Subjects

Introduction to Algorithms

Algorithms and data structure, Searching, Sorting, Graph algorithms, Matching

Introduction to Computer Architecture

Computer architecture, Principle of operation, Boolean algebra, Combination circuit, Sequence circuit

Introduction to Systems Programming

Operating system, CPU scheduling, Main memory control, Virtual memory, IO, File system, language processor

Introduction to Computer Science

Information theory, Computer architecture, Programming language, Operating system, Basics of UNIX

Foundations of Biological Sciences

Constituent molecular of the cell, genetic code, Cell's formulation, Cell's dynamics

Introduction to Bioinformatics

DNA sequencing, Sequence homology search and comparative genomics, Structural biology, Gene expression analysis.

Bioethics and Responsible Society

Scientific norms, Ethics, Bioethics, Environmental ethics

Basics of Scientific English

Aspects of report writing. Reporting style, Development of paragraphs, Abstract.

Exercise in Bioinformatics

Exercise for assembling DNA fragments, BLAST sequence search, Motif finding and gene expression analysis

General Subjects

Fundamentals of Mathematics I

Matrix、Characteristic value, Characteristic vector, Abstract vector space, Taylor expansion, Calculus, Vector space, Fourier expansion

Fundamentals of Mathematics II

Fourier analysis and Laplace transform, Differential equation, Complex analysis

Introduction to Mathematical Science I

Probability space, Expectation value and momentum, Random variable and Convergence in distribution, stochastic simulation

Introduction to Mathematical Science II

Nature of number, Set/Mapping/Relation, Permutations and Combinations, Recurrence formula

Methods of English Communication

Development of English communication skills.

Presentation Skills in English

Development of presentation and discussion skills in English.

Advanced Scientific Writing

Development of scientific writing skills in English.

Advanced Interdisciplinary Domain A (Infoarchaeology)

Qualification analysis of archaeological specimens in Archaeological studies.  Studies of the introduction of computer, or information technology, and Software development to sort and manage excavations and historical relic.

Advanced Interdisciplinary Domain B (Philosophy of Science)

Latest studies of relationship between mind and body, especially cranial nerves.

Advanced Interdisciplinary Domain C (Techonology and Management)

Infrastructures of venture companies, Practical business build-up, Voice of actual experiences of venture businesses, vicarious training in a venture business by game, Panel discussion by some entrepreneurial students.  Venture business tours, Business planning, Presentation of the business plan.

Advanced Interdisciplinary Domain D (Intellectual property right)

Intellectual property right, Basic knowledge of patent and acquisition of the right, Enhancement of the protection – Protection of software's patent and copy write -

Advanced Interdisciplinary Domain E (standardization)

Global standard, International situation around industrial standard、Meaning of the standardization、Current situation of standardization administration、Challenges of standardization, movements of global standard and Japan's attitude against them. Concrete case of the standardization movement in information technology field.

Information Technology and Ethics

Ethics and rules which information engineers must observe.

Computer Course

For all who would like to learn how to create/edit documents and send/receive E mails using Emacs and LaTeX. No credit is given in this course.