
“úŽž•½¬ 15”N 6ŒŽ 25“ú(…) 3ŒÀ(13:30 -- 15:00)
u‰‰ŽÒCalton Pu
Š‘® Georgia Institute of Technology ‹³Žö
u‰‰‘è–Ú Continual Queries: Intelligent Access to Fresh Information
Browsing (pull) has been the dominant mode of access to Web information, aided by search engines such as Google and referral services such as Yahoo. However, as more dynamic information becomes available, the labor intensive nature of browsing makes it less attractive. In contrast, the push mode of information delivery has failed due to the excessive amount of data that easily overwhelms the users. We have been working on the concept and implementation of Continual Queries to automate the process of creating intelligent information delivery services that brings timely new information of relevance to users. This talk summarizes the progress made in the CQ project, including the related component technologies of wrapper generation and automated object recognition in web pages. The CQ system is running as a service available over the Internet.

