英語コミュニケーション法I II
Methods of English Communication I II

Dear M1 and M2 students,

I am teaching two basic-level English courses in Term 3 and Term 4. 'Methods of English Communication (MoEC) I' is about reading and writing skills, and 'MoEC II' is about listening and speaking skills.

There are seven classes for MoEC I, and then eight classes for MoEC II. These courses are intended for students who have not yet studied English at NAIST and, if you are interested in them, I encourage you to take both MoEC I and MoEC II as a complete series of 15 classes. There are some brief notes about the courses at the bottom of this message.

I will divide students (alphabetically) into two groups, to try and minimize the number of students in each class. One group will take classes beginning at 13:00 on Monday 7th October, and the other group will take classes beginning at 13:00 on Wednesday 9th October. There will be one 90-minute class each week. All classes will take place in room L2.

Would you like to take these courses? If so, please send me a message as soon as possible and NOT LATER THAN Wednesday 2nd October. On Thursday I will tell you which group ('Monday' or 'Wednesday') you are in.

I look forward to meeting many of you soon.

Best wishes,

Ian Smith


These two courses are intended to help you to improve your basic skills in English - reading/writing, and listening/speaking. If possible, you should take both courses. The reading/writing course will be given in Term III, and the listening/speaking course will be given in Term IV. Communication in the classroom will be 'two-way': you will be asked to speak, as well as to listen. Both courses will be taught in English.

MoEC I: Reading and Writing We will look at how sentences are constructed in English, and focus on common writing mistakes made by students. We will also look at how sentences are linked together to form paragraphs, using extracts from scientific papers and other sources as 'models'. You will be asked to produce your own original writing for homework each week.

MoEC II: Listening and Speaking We will look at the differences between written and spoken English, and focus on clarity of speech and pronunciation. You will be asked to prepare a short illustrated talk, on a topic of your choice, and to present this talk to the whole class at the end of the course.

情報学研究科 教務WG
Last Update:2002/09/30