Emeritus Professor of Computational Logic at Imperial College London
Computational Logic and the Real World
Computational Logic (CL), including Logic Programming (LP), hasnot made the impact in Computing that many of us once expected.Here I argue that this is mainly because our visions of CL and LPwere too extreme. Viewed from the perspective of intelligentagent systems, CL deals only with thinking component of an agent,and LP deals only with the pro-active part of thinking. However,thinking also needs to be reactive, agents also need to observechanges in the environment and to execute actions, and individualagents need to share the environment with other agents. In thistalk, I will outline an intelligent agent framework, which uses LPfor the pro-active part of thinking, uses forward reasoning forthe reactive part of thinking, and incorporates interactionsbetween an agent and the environment. The framework overcomes thelack of destructive assignment in LP, by locating destructiveassignment outside the agent altogether and putting it into theenvironment that the agent shares with other agents. Theframework also makes it easier for CL systems to interact withother, non-CL systems, embedded in other components of the agentcycle, in other agents in multi-agent systems, or in the sharedenvironment.